Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 4:22 AM
Today's little thoughts:
I had a very weird dream lately. Must be watching too much marimite wtf.I want to see who's opposite of that fogged up glass window!I could only see freaking shadows...behind the window.~~~~
Watched toradora ending. (: I'm still waiting patiently for the whole series to finish before starting to watch again. So I'm watching Ghost Hunt [YES I GOT IT!], Spiral [I managed to find it], and Tactics [See I so pro in finding ancient animes.]
Next one that I want to find would be Darker Than Black ^^
Updated blog header (: I'm into greenery lately lol.
I'm finding what should be my "happiness", as no one could tell me that other than myself. Sadness is just way too overrated now. ^^
Labels: Daily Rants
Look back. Please.
Friday, February 27, 2009 @ 1:50 AM
This following mini-story is a figment of my imagination in my head. It does not co-relate to any actual stuffs, believe it or not.This story, is said from the third person view.
There was once a couple, Let's call them...Him, and Her. (:
Him and Her, is a famous couple in the campus. Everyone in the school, know about their relationship. Never quarreled, always together during free time, everyone could see how perfect their relationship is.
Yet, let me tell all of you, a statement where everyone would've heard once in their whole lifetime.
Nothing is perfect in this world.No couples wouldn't argue, that's for sure. They sure do quarrel, but even if they did, they still
acted like they didn't in the campus. It was just all a facade, made due to their ego, wanting others to see how perfect they are, as a couple.
However, it didn't last long. One day, news traveled. Him and Her have broken up! It came as a shock, seeing how perfect they were. Yet, only those clueless that didn't see through the facade believed it. Actually...the real story is that, Him has been two-timing all the while with Her.
Him treated Her as "another girl in his life", while Her "treated him as the true one in her life."
From that breakup onwards, Him treated Her as if she was
Her was always waiting. Waiting for Him to look back at her.
"Look back please, I do not fear if it's just once. Just look back, and notice me."
Yet, Him only looked at other girls. Her is just waiting for something that would never happen. True enough, nothing happened. A year has passed, with the hopeless anticipation.
Someone finally
managed to convince Her that Him will not look back ever again. "He's always looking forward, yet you...who are looking forward, is only looking at his back."
"He's never going to turn back to look at you. Move on."
Will Him ever look back?
Labels: Personal Opinions/Stories/Poems
Deal with it.
Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 11:53 PM
Today's 5-4-3:
When I wake up, another day has pass by.Sometimes, I wonder can time slow down? It passes by way too fast.Yet somehow I wished that I could be abandoned by time, not aging.How I wished I was still a kid.~~~~
Zhifang came to my house today. Lol. It was raining so heavily and seriously, having an umbrella doesn't even help. After scanning what she wanted, I went to collect...

Star Ocean: The Last Hope! ^^ *swoons*
But no guide book wtf. Star Ocean series is the
only game so far that I really find that I
need the guide book. GROWL.
I went to my usual bloghopping sites, at
Sweatlee found an application called poladroid, I downloaded it and gave it a try, couldn't find any nice pics of ME! Sad huh.
So I used the above picture to make a Polaroid picture.

I photoshopped the vines into it la. Haha. It's damndamndamn fun.
Oh! I am in love with one of Jennifer Love Hewitt songs. It's called How Do I Deal. ^^ It's nice! Apparently some of her songs are nice, while some is too slow...
-Wish I could float away, to some other day.-
Here I come Star Ocean~ ^^ Oh. Changed blog header. Finished's Ayumu from Spiral. March theme. Maybe I should edit a little more...
Labels: Daily Rants, Pictures, Updates on Blog
Photoshop #2.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @ 12:40 AM
Today's little thought:
Sometimes running away isn't a cowardly action at all.After all, when being under serious stress the whole time, who wouldn't want to run?~~~~
Photoshop madness again. I think I'm hooked onto photoshopping.

Yeah!!!!! I made this wallpaper :3 *swoons*, although the render I got from somewhere. Funny thing is, everyone is carrying lethal weapons *gulps look at the scythe*, while the main character is carrying...a deck of cards. What the...

This one...dang ask me to make. I give it a touch of pink! Only one touch! :<
Labels: Daily Rants, Pictures
Photoshop >_>"
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 2:02 PM
Silly Stuffs.
@ 2:06 AM
Today's Little Thoughts:
Love does not happens over time, it happens only at a moment, where you know that person is the one.~~~~
Oh. Let me tell you the most silly thing I did today.
I actually tried to gave a
bouquet of roses to a...freaking...
ATM Machine.

Hahaha. You can see I'm not that enthusiastic about it.
Here's the story:
Went to watch "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" with mt and jh. So I spent 166 minutes sitting on a chair till my butt hurts, but it was well worth it. The movie is nice, and makes me wonder.
When others are turning
older, while you're turning
younger, how'd you feel? God it's such a nice movie. And sad. I almost cried during the end of the movie.
So after the movie, we walked..and saw a flower shop still open so jh went to bought the
roses for the picture above. LOL. Then we went to eat prata~ and I walked home, and couldn't get to sleep, so I finally slept at 8am...
Woke up due to mum's talking over phone at 11am.............bleh.
Labels: Daily Rants
He's Just Not That Into You.
Sunday, February 22, 2009 @ 11:40 PM
Today little thoughts:
Quoted from the movie, "He's Just Not That Into You":
Maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy. Maybe, it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future.Maybe, the happy ending is...just moving on.Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing after all the unreturned phone calls, broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and never gave up hope.~~~~
Just watched this movie with mt...god it is long. 2 hours! Overall, I enjoy the movie, more that I have expected to. I actually understand what the movie is talking about hahaha. Well...
In the end, what I could sum up for the movie is, one shouldn't be too insistent on something, sometimes things work out, sometimes it doesn't. So it's better to know when to salvage, when to reject, when to accept, when to leave.
And, when
not to listen to rumors and examples. What might happen to others, might not happen to you. You are the
rule, they are the
exception. LOL.
This movie is suitable for the singleton and the coupleton. No matter which category you are, I think you could enjoy this movie...although it's quite the normal romance movie anyone could expect, sure brings some thoughts into your mind.
Btw...good luck to those taking sem exams this week! Jiayou! (:
Labels: Movies, Personal Opinions/Stories/Poems
@ 3:04 AM
Today's little thoughts:
Sometimes letting go is better than holding on.It might be better. Or for so, the worse.Yet when sometimes, there is too much to handle, you just have to let go.It's for the best...or is it just what you think it is?Sometimes letting go might hurt others more than you ever think.~~~~
Ha. It's part and parcel of my life to let go of stuffs, and to realise it too late that I've let go of the wrong stuffs. Letting go, yet can you get it back? Sometimes it's possible, if you put in the effort. Yet sometimes, once it is gone, you can never get it back, no matter how hard you try to.

Picture by Itchitaka. Itchitaka made a interesting poem on letting it is.
How can you
Just walk away
From something that
You love?
Just leave it behind,
To do as it will?
Live as it will?
Without you?
You shared so much
The happy times
And the sad.
But sometimes you just have
To walk away.
And letting go
Is always the hardest part.
Letting go is the hardest part, yet getting it back after letting it go is the impossible part lol. Countless things have to be let go, to get what you want. Sometimes it's by choice, sometimes it's by need to basis, sometimes it's by sacrifice.
It has always struck to me that, letting go
is like an exchange for something.
Now looking back, it made me realise.
I've let go of things I don't want to. Be it stuffs that I've always wanted, relationships, personal time, studies, myself.
Even though I'm always harping that I've never felt's wrong.I've regrets, but I just don't want to admit it. It just makes me feel so bad. Why should I have regrets? Yet I've realised, living a life whereby having no regrets is just so, so tough. It just makes you feel so suffocating.
Mistakes are bound to be made, perfectionism is an illusion which many people made, to gain self satisfaction. Living trying to make no mistakes is tough. I've realised. No matter how many people have their expections on me, no matter how high it may be, I'm trying to ignore them now.
Because, my life, is what I should carve for myself.
Now I've realised, how silly I am since I started my tertiary education life.
Below is total rants. Life story.
I never scored well during my PSLE. I've got 205, while most people I know got higher than me. Everyone looked down upon me. No one cared except my parents. I'm truly grateful for that. Sec 1 didn't change anything. Getting 29/40 [class ranking] is like a insult to my family. Relatives still looked down on me.
Everything changed in Sec 2. I started scoring better, 5th in class. Relatives stopped insulting me. I feel so glad. Sec 3 and 4 is when I felt like I've never disgraced my parents anymore. I feel so happy, yet I never realised the chains have been behind me all the time.
I feel constricted. I felt that I have to perform well, maintain the status quo. It just gets harder and harder everyday. I enrolled and got into TPJC. Yes, it's when hell started.
I could never catch up, I could never learn well, I could never relax. Stress building up. Everything crumbled in that instant. It was such a period of depression. I escaped to poly. At least I feel better in there. Yet the constant comparison in the family didn't end.
So, things went on and on until now. During the period of deferment, I looked into a new aspect of life. I've been constrained too much. I should live my life as how I want it to be.
You know, it really feels so much better when the burden in your mind is gone. I've felt like how I am when in Sec 2. Happily playing with friends and stuffs like that.
So whenever I see someone who have lots of schedule, I actually tell them this...
"Don't let the schedule constraint you, you should control your schedule."
Haha. Preaching others now LOL.
Okay. I think I actually had some kinda depression during the starting of my JC life. But thank god it's over. I somehow still wonder, why would I thought of
seeking that option when I can't see any hope in front of me.
Thank god I didn't do it.
Labels: ARGH, Daily Rants, Emo Me
Never. Ever. Again.
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 11:46 PM
Today's little happenings:
Life sure is changing everytime. The path we took is always different. The choices we made, are you sure about it before you decided that answer?It sure makes me realise, what would my future be, if I had chose a different answer?Try to find out if I may, but it's impossible.Because it'd be pure speculation and no concrete evidence.~~~~
This is the second time I find my eyes getting wet because of Shadow Hearts.Never, ever, again I am going to cry because of a storyline. Damn it. *screams* I'm playing Shadow Hearts till the end of the asia part...where the storyline gets...well. Emotional. The bgm is also part of the whole play that causes my eyes to go wet.
Sigh. If it's myself playing this game, it's okay. The bad part is...someone is there
beside me when that happened. Super embarassing. But it is sad! Hmmmmarghhhhhhh~ Happy ending aso like that, Bad ending also like that...hmmmarghhhhh. Oh well.
Is it just me, or why do I realise Burger King have quite a number of...well funny cashiers. Oh yeah tomorrow is going to be damn noisy at eastpoint. S.H.E coming -.-" It's funny that why S.H.E would come to such a unknown shopping centre! o.o"
Oh well. Gotta go to sleep soon.
It ends, because it has to.It breaks little by little, day by day.By the time you've realised, it has already vanished.Leaving no traces of thoughts, hopes and dreams.What's left regrets.P.S: That new idol drama at channel U is damn funny.
Labels: ARGH, Daily Rants gone! *wails*
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 11:30 PM
*Picture infested post*
Today's little do-ra-ma:

Junjou Romantica is finished! OH SHIT. I'm already craving for more. Episode 12 is sososososo sweet! Usagi-chichi finally accepted both of them! xD Funny and sweet moments:

So Misaki visited the publishing company because of a manuscript...

Yet what he saw there is...too...scary. After that...

He met his idol! Haha. He's like confessing to him! Suki-da! Yet he didn't know...
There's someone out there eavesdropping...hahahaha.

He's still saying about the meeting with his idol without noticing the weird atmosphere...
I'm gonna rapechu here mode on! Caught red-handed. LOL.

A heap of chocolates for Usagi. And we see Usagi going shocku with suzuki-san being sad for not having chocos.

Why the chocolate wrapping so cute. Lol.



Sweetest sentence ever in both series. xD I think I might say this out too~! If...=x
Sigh...2009 is a dry year for yaoi series I think. How I wished there's a 3rd series for Junjou sob. Hmm. Time to focus on another anime...
Say hello to...HETALIA~! A 5 min webcast every week. Made me laugh like mad.

Japan. Kawaiiiiiii~

Italy. Favourite in this series. Cute, airhead, silly. Hahaha.

Submarines in 12 different colours! We also have a sweet announcer for this! xD

Italy War. LOL.

Poor Italy. Hahahaha. Hetalia is a damn funny series. Another series that I'm watching would be...Marimite 4th Season. All those nice animes are good for killing time. Yet, I'm quite lazy in watching Toradora already. Because the wait is killing me. The christmas arc is damnnnnnnnnnn nice. I actually cried a little when Taiga went chasing Ryuji ._."
Sigh, how nice if I've had...*snaps shut*

Seriously the hairstyle looks weird :3

Sad! ><

Why must all of the anime I watch end with such scenes. >.<" Cliffhanga... D: Yesh. Good luck to those taking their semester exams this fri and next week! Gogogo. Last run before your SIP. Jiayou! (: I'll miss those people who's going overseas for their SIP. ><"
Labels: Anime
There's something weird.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 10:49 PM
Today's little one-two-three:
I didn't expect that trust could turn into suspicion that easilyIs it that hard to find someone who trusts you wholeheartedly?~~~~
I can't see my blog post wtf.
P.S: Can see already, in the end it's the nuffnang sidebar fault ._." Once I set it at the bottom I could see everything again~
I'll put it back to the top when everything's fine again. Oh well.
P.P.S: Couldn't get to sleep last night, so I did this 3 using photoshop. Learnt how to use some effects : Motion blur, Overlay, Brushes type. Wee. I'm still a noobie though!

Aarinfantasy new sig. It's still 07 Ghost though...

The background looks quite nice hahaha. Reminds me of the nice sunset I saw in Japan.

Uploaded this to my devart. (:
Labels: ARGH
Finished Shadow Hearts: Covenant.
Monday, February 16, 2009 @ 7:35 PM
Today's little snippet:
What's your happiness? Happiness is the only thing that you can decide for yourself.I'd wish to go back to the moment where I'm the most happiest. Even if it only lasts a second.My happiness is...~~~~
When I play a game that doesn't have a fixed ending, I always
stop before the final ending. Because I'd always hesitate. Should I get a bad ending once? But I hate sad endings! Argh. And because of this silly dilemma, I always
stop completing the game.
But this time, I never hesitate. I went forth and completed the game. The ending is nice, sweet, yet a tint of sadness I felt at the same time.
Next game : Shadow Hearts! It's time to know what happened between Yuri and Alice...
Sigh how I wished I could record my gameplay. Sob.
Kyaaaaaaa I don't want Shadow Hearts to end laaaaaa. Seeeeee! Everytime something I like ends I get emo.
The storybook and lollipop theory:
You start to read a book that you've wanted to read all along. You started reading, and wanted to know more about the story, therefore you read faster and faster. Yet when you find out that the book is ending, to want to savor the book as long as you can, you tried to read slower. Yet no matter how...the end will still arrive.
You bought a lollipop that you love alot. You start to lick it, you love it...therefore you savor it as fast as you can, yet it's ending soon. So you start to lick slower.
Haha this kind of logic is weird right? You can re-read the book, or buy another lollipop in both case. Yet you know what people says about "first impressions?" For me that's what I think. No matter how, after the first experience is over, the rest that follows doesn't feel so much better as the first experience. Oh well. Time to post some screenies.

Yay, final dungeon. (:

Yuri ^^ Actually in most RPGs, this is one of the protagonist that I like most. Although he's a perv, rash, loves to fight, he still only loves Alice.

The villain that I sympathies with, and can't ind myself to defeat him. A good guy who turned into a villain because he's lost everything, and just want to travel back time to salvage everything. D:


Final boss, Susano-O. It's a nice fight. Love the bgm...

First game score : Rank 1 out of 100, Dark Seraphim. ^^
Labels: Daily Rants, Games