立ち止まらない この針だけは Only this clock-hand would pierce through,
僕の明日を刻む音突き刺す the sound that engraved my tomorrows, unable to stop.
真実から逃げたら今 If I escape from the truth right now,
現実にも負けたら今 if I would even give up on reality right now,
何が残るの? just what would be left behind?
Alias: Yuuki, Haru, Akihiko, Venskye
Name: ZH (:
Age: 21
This blog is meant to be full of my rants, daily happenings and stuffs like that. Occasional reviews, stories, and opinions. It's my open, unfinished story.
->Graduate with more than 3.5 GPA. ->Best way to release stress. ->Shut out all depressing thoughts.
->God of War 3 ->Castlevania: Lord of Shadow Limited Edition ->DJ Max Portable 3 Limited Edition ->Assassins Creed: Brotherhood Collectors Edition ->New Renoma Leather Wallet ->Crumpler Bag (Black or Red) ->1TB External Hard Disk
Do you think this girl is cute, hot, or any terms where you'd want her as a potential girlfriend?
Too bad...
You've definitely picked the wrong choice! (: Reason is...
She wants the boyfriend of someone else! And in fact, she's selfish, rude, and princess like. She just wants to look cute, air-headed and all to control others?
Imagine: Someone v.v. cute and you think is v.v. good comes crying and say "X!! You see she bully me!!" Or something, you'd definitely believe her. >_>" Okay that might not applies to everyone, but majority.
Well if you didn't choose her...
Congrats! As you might know someone cute might not be "that cute" deep down inside. (:
For those who chose her, please enjoy a beating from Taiga. (:
Hahahaha I enojyed Toradora ep5! Damn funny. With Minorin signaling an "O" so cutely turning into a "X" that looks so horrible.
I think it's an old song, but I managed to stumbled upon it. Lyrics are damn meaningful. When you're in your worst state, won't you always wished that how nice it is if you're someone else? (:
Never win first place, I dont support the team I cant take direction, and my socks are never Clean Teachers dated me, my parents hated me I was always in a fight cuz I cant do nothin Right
Everyday I fight a war against the mirror I cant take the person starin back at me Im a hazard to myself
Dont let me get me Im my own worst enemy Its bad when you annoy yourself So irritating Dont wanna be my friend no more I wanna be somebody else
I wanna be somebody else, yeah
La told me, youll be a pop star, All you have to change is everything you are. Tired of being compared to damn britney spears Shes so pretty, that just aint me
Doctor, doctor wont you please prescribe me Somethin A day in the life of someone else? Cuz Im a hazard to myself
Dont let me get me Im my own worst enemy Its bad when you annoy yourself So irritating Dont wanna be my friend no more I wanna be somebody else
Dont let me get me Im my own worst enemy Its bad when you annoy yourself So irritating Dont wanna be my friend no more I wanna be somebody else
Doctor, doctor wont you please prescribe me Somethin A day in the life of someone else? Dont let me get me
Dont let me get me Im my own worst enemy Its bad when you annoy yourself So irritating Dont wanna be my friend no more I wanna be somebody else
It's just a false alarm. Inflammation. So I'm happy happy now. (:
To think I was down till I didn't bother to pick up calls, reply sms, turning on my comp. Oh. Due to emo-ing. I did this new header. Might as well use it right? ^^
Inspired by ef ~A Tale of Memories~.
What images appears when you hear this phrase? "A station where no trains arrive?" First image for me would be...what's a station for if no trains would arrive. With no arrivals, there would be no departure. With no meetings, there would be no partings. Isn't this a life of a loner, where one won't get happy meeting new people, where one won't be sad because, he won't part with anyone.
It's the best situation one has, or a worst situation one is in.
"You won't get hurt, yet you won't be happy either."
It just made me realise...with happiness, comes sadness. With meetings, there would be partings. With success, there will always be an opening for failure. With friends, there would always be foes.
With one, there would comes another.
Yeah digressing hahahaha.
So I'm happy now, in the mood for studying. But the inflammation sure hurts alot. OW.
「Too late, two choices...to stay or to leave. Mine was so easy to uncover, he already left with the other. So I've listened through the silence.」 - Sara Bareilles - Between the Lines.
Apparently there's a lump above my navel. I wonder what's that?
Fear is only as deep as the heart allows. But I ain't scared. (:
P.S: Through searching the web, I think it's abdominal hernia. Yet I'm not sure. But if it's really hernia, then I might be in trouble since it's been 4 days! Many sites (*ahem* incl wiki) said that hernia if it is not treated early, it would cause complications. Now that's what I hate listening. ):
The only way to cure abdominal hernia seems to be surgery. That doesn't sound nice to me.
P.P.S: What if it's something untreatable...I'm quite worried because I already told my mum. Later she panic go tell my dad. Sigh. Maybe I should've kept it to myself first. I think I messed up again.
Remember what I said about pre-ordering DJ Max Clazziquai Edition? Well...I just received this and however, I already played last night after downloading iso =p
And to say the truth...iso version is choppy when playing. Well what does choppy means? Well it means that at some parts, it lags and actually when you hit judgement 100%, it became judgement 20% wtf - -" so if the umd isn't like that, I'd really recommend you to buy the umd instead. [wtf cpu speed 333 still choppy.]
Let's just pray that the umd version isn't like that.
Well let's go through my first impressions okay! (: Basically it's quite like the previous DJ Max Portable 2, but it isn't, due to some new additions which made me irritated like mad.
-Club Mode Club mode is a mode whereby you start at a very very low rank (Which I think, 199 or 200), and you advance through clubs playing songs, challenging CPU DJ [In the form of like previous mission modes but only one song, to unlock characters, functions, gears, notes, OST, videos.] You also earn club emblems by clearing all the songs in one club.
Example of a club in one avenue
Oh and one note for usual 4b players. There is no 4b onli nao. I advanced to one club, and once of the repetory playing section (repetory = continuous playing) songs is like this.
1st song: 4b 2nd song: 5b 3rd song: 6b
Heck, I died at that 6b song but I managed to pull through.
Example of all the club badges in one avenue. Area 1 is ridiculously easy ^^
Area 7 is the last area. I'm now at area 5 and I'm dying - -"
Moving through avenues. I'm at rock fest! ^^ ----
-4bfx mode
I'd comment it as the toughest button mode evah. nao.[Well I didn't tried 8b yet hahahaha.] You play with the normal 4 buttons, with additional L and R buttons heck I tried Oblivion [Lv7 song] and I breaked like mad - -"
so...4bfx ain't easy. But maybe it could be easy for 8b players? I can't confirm that though.
-2b mode
Yay to 2button mode!!!! Hahahaha. Well basically you play 2 buttons with the analog. It's not really that easy as it seems. Rhythm still applies, where sometimes massive of buttons come crashing down on you. But it's really fun! ^^"
-Analog craziness
To people who doesn't really love analog spinning in DJ Max, well, good luck to you. Almost every song I play have tons of analog crashing down in series with the buttons! Talk about busy fingers. So...this time the difficulty of the songs is so much more than DJ Max portable 2.
-Fevers? Life bar? Auto? Where is it?! Well, now...you can't get x5 fever straightaway. When you start the first club, you gained yourself a x3 fever effect. Equip it, and you can get x3 fever MAX. If you want x5 fever, you have to play through quite a number of clubs to get it. There's auto attain x5 fever, which saves you the time to press x. Which is not that good IMHO.
Auto +1? Well, you also must UNLOCK that through club battles. Increased life bar? Ditto. So mainly, no more mirror, random (I don't see that yet.) Effects are unlocked through club battles. Oh and 1 very new thing! The bar stacks. Meaning if you didn't press x2, the bar would stack and when it's 2 full bars, when you press X, it becomes x3 fever instead of x2. Stacko!
-Levels? Levels are gone, in come the new ranking. You defeat DJ's in clubs to raise your rank. As you can see, I'm ranked 125 (Still so low wtf).
-Using gold to buy stuffs? No more babeh! You unlock characters, gears, notes, effects, through clubs and clearing songs.
-Songs? Sad to say, if you want new songs, it is mandatory to play club mode nao. The new songs is damn nice. As what the game says, "emotional sense", it's a game packed will songs of different emotions. Happy, sadness, despair, blissful, jealousy, etc. And the songs is damn nice and sometimes too emo hahaha. But I love it.
-Recommended? Totally. Can't wait for Black Sqaure (:
This is the game where at first glance, it seems real interesting, and yes, undenialbly, it is interesting. You get to play as Ethan Kairos, where the day before his 17th birthday, something happened. Someone changed the past, and when he wakes up, his parents went missing, and his life went into a whirl, while his main aim is to search his parents.
Out of a sudden, he noticed a pen and a note being attached to his cat, Sox. That pen is called as a hollow pen, where you can draw a circle, and change the past through the hollow hole.
During your adventures, you'd change the mistakes your friends made, to save them from certain dangerous situations, to the extent of murder, and being killed, life regrets, well, you get the idea. In the end, you found the prepertrator in causing all the trouble, and gosh, it's the end chapters that made me scream...
DAMN BASTARD! Stop changing the past and let me end this game!
Graphics and sound wise, ohh the graphics is nice. *stares at Ashley* Hahaha. It's kind of anime-like character design, if you want me to compare images, between Pheonix Wright and Time Hollow, the images of Time Hollow is much better.
Story wise, as mention, is quite typical, your parents went missing, you went into the past to save your friends and people precious around you, at the stake of your own time.
Replayability is really not that good, unless you wanted to see the alternate ending, and some extras. Or to relieve the story again. But the original gameplay time is already that short....so....you get the idea that even if you replay, it won't last long haha.
Recommended to borrow/rent if possible. I completed this game in 6 hours >_>" Too short for a game that costs $48 right. - -"
Well well, the 4th installment of the Pheonix Wright series, which I got from Challengers after thinking four times whether to buy anot hahahaha. And well, I didn't regret buying this game, at first I'm worried that since I didn't play the previous three series, I would not know the storyline, but my doubts were cleared since it's a new story, with a new attorney, Apollo Justice, and Pheonix Wright, after the third installment, 7 years ago, he has already "retired" from being an attorney because of a certain case.
The game is still quite the same, but with some additions and subtractions. -You get to play with forensic science items. -New function "Percieve" for Apollo, where he could see nervous behavious of the witnesses. -No more presenting profiles as evidence. -No more psyche-locks (Okay, not really, but limited to certain cases)
Let's talk about the game. Basically, after some events, you would be an attorney for a certain person. Then you'd start investigation, finding out more stuffs about the case, some clues, and after that, it's court time! You will start to cross-examine the witness' testimony, and find out their lies.
"In the court, most of the testimonies have contradictions and lies. It's your respobsibility to find out the lies and contradictions."
Present evidence, and the correct evidence. If you present the wrong evidence, you'd be penalized and once your life bar is gone, your client would be guilty as charged, and it's game over! GODDD.
Don't be fooled by this game names though, the cases are connected, and in the end, it's still about Pheonix Wright.
Graphics/Sound: Well, this one is sure fun. The song is nice, I love the Guitar Serenade! Guilty Love is nice, but it gets quite sick after some time =p Graphic wise, compared to Time Hollow, it'd be slightly lower by abit, but I think, the graphic is really good enough for a Nintendo DS game *point point poke poke pokemon*
Replayability: WELL WHAT CAN I SAY! YOU CAN REPLAY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN! Hahaha. I'd recommend you to replay if you want to know more about the bits and pieces of the story. But well, replay it only after some time, if not it won't be fun since you know how to protect your client already.
Recommend: Buy! It take me a week to finish the game, so gameplay time would be quite long since you have to investigate/court/investigate/court. 2 trials 2 investigation per case. Tiring. Haha.
Anyone can lend me an ice cream maker if you have one? Gonna try making ice cream someday...when I have an ice cream maker. ):
Sea Salt Ice Cream leh! Hahahaha.
This post is purely a recipe okayyy. Just to preserve it if I can't find this recipe someday. *swt*
* 2 eggs * 2 cups milk * 1/3 cup sugar * 1 teaspoon vanilla * 1 cup heavy whipping cream * sea salt (be careful with this) * blue food coloring (looks better with it) (optional) * green food coloring (looks better with it) (optional)
1.Separate the eggs into two good sized bowls. 2.Beat the egg whites until stiff. 3.Mix the egg yolks and sugar until thick. 4.Slowly bring the milk to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. 5.Pour the hot milk into yolk/sugar mixture and mix well. 6.Pour milk/yolk/sugar mixture back into pot and heat on medium until thicker to make a custard (DON'T LET IT BOIL! also, if you can't get it to a custard thickness,just get it as thick as you can). 7.Pour custard in with beaten egg whites and mix well. 8.Add sea salt (keep adding salt until it tastes salty sweet, but be careful not to add to much). 9.Put mixture in fridge to cool. 10.Once cool, add cream and vanilla . 11.(Optional) Add 12 drops of blue coloring, and 3 drops of green coloring. 12.Freeze, following your ice cream maker’s instructions. 13.If you don't have an ice cream maker pour mixture into 1 or 2 metal cake pans and set in freezer. Let sit until edges become firm, then remove and mix. Repeat until uniformly frozen. [Someone comment that it became more of cream then ice cream. Ouch.]
Since I couldn't get to sleep...(Trust me you wouldn't too after running to the toilet to do your huge business for 3 times.)
I've decided to do this short update on Toradora~! So far my thoughts and opinions on this anime =) [The following things that's being typed is my personal thoughts and assumption. Feel free to correct any facts that are wrong.]
Toradora is an anime about 5 students, with the main male and female lead as Takasu Ryuji, and Aisaka Taiga. Ryuji is always being mistaken as a delinquent because of the pair of "deadly eyes" inherited from his father. It's the type of eyes that makes the person look pissed off even when he isn't. The stares would already scare people to give him their wallets. He looks like a delinquent, yet, he isn't one and he excels in doing housework.
Taiga, a girl who looks like a doll, with almighty violence power. Being knows as "Palmtop Tiger" because of her small frame, she crossed path with Ryuji after banging into him, punching him to the ground. She's clumsy by nature, and is totally bad at doing housework. She's clumsy to the extent of placing love letters in the wrong bag, and in addition, the letter is empty.
They started hanging out together after finding out that Taiga likes Ryuji's friend, Yusaku, and Ryuji likes Taiga's friend, Minori. And this begins the long journey of helping each other to get closer to the person they like...maybe with some unexpected twist?
So far I've watched till episode 3, and the drawing is still consistent, no weird images or whatsoever stuffs! The storyline is always very funny and interesting, I guess when it comes to the combination of school life, slice and life, comedy and romance, it just wouldn't get old.
And when it comes to Ryuji and Taiga, it just teaches me that, don't judge someone by their cover.
Most importantly, I totally like the people that voiced Ryuji and Taiga. They really brought out the emotions and all. Which made me laugh madly, getting touched and certain scenes.
I'd recommend this anime if you love comedy and slight romance. School life rawks! Yeah. I've started to learn this fact too.
It's a very, very superb dinner with laughter and all! Thank youu soooo much for celebrating my 18th birthday with me! Thank youuuuu xin,rilynn,wc,sj,phad,jh,mt,mal,qj,fang! ^^
And I saw the presents already! So thoughful of you peeps. Really touched now =x
Thank you jh and mt for that necklace hahaha. At first I though it was an earring or something like that because mt asked me wan pierce my ear anot!
And SJ gave me a very disturbing and playful present hahahahahaha.
I'm gonna update picture tomorrow!
P.S: I've been running to the toilet twice already.
Hahaha. Let's see. I woke up at 5pm! (Omg I can't imagine it.) Then went out for dinner, bought pens and stuffs for school tomorrow...(Sounds so last minute.)
Changed to a new pencil case, placed useable pens in...(Some of you know what I mean...), then I almost went to sleep. WTF I remembered something.
I forgot to print my timetable.
And here I am blogging after printing my timetable. And my mum asked me.
"Why you love doing last minute things?"
"I dunno."
Hahahahaha I wonder is that even an answer anot. Oh well, guess I'll go take another shower before sleeping. WTH why Singapore weather so hot! How I wished it is raining now. ):
Okay gtg ciaooooo.
So busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doing last minute stuffs hahahahaha.
Vanilla Salt! Toradora ending song is so...damn nice! (:
「But a love that's only sweet is different from what I wish for. If I'm told it's white, I will say it's black. If you say you like me, I will say I hate you. I'm obviously happy, but what am I saying? It's just like adding salt to the sweet vanilla.」
Stuffs I wanted yet I didn't get it: -Angela Aki "Home", or "Today" album. -Fairy Tail manga.) -Watch -The novel "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Mayer" (Sp?) -"How to draw manga" book, any book that teaches it is okay! -Fibreboard (Not noticeboard size that huge...) -Peanuts Collection Book (Snoopy~!)
It's the most...DAMN nice timetable I suppose? Hahaha.
Well well can anyone confirm with me...first week izzit no lab and tut?!?! I'd give that person a million thanks if they want it. =)
Back to the topic, with no help from my desktop because it won't allow me to save my timetable. Argh.
So...let me show you the "So far I am still satisfied" timetable. Hahaha. Who knows...maybe when I actually went through the timetable, I'd end up disliking it?
Monday 9-12: UO2/PCI Lab (UO2 odd wk, PCI even wk) 12-1: Break 1-3: PS&LP Lecture 3-4: UO2 Tutorial 4-5: APEL2 Tutorial 5-6: PIA Lecture 6-7: LSc&U Lecture (OMG dun tell me is Life Science & You!)
Friday 3-4: PIA Tutorial 4-6: CSAS3 Tutorial (CSAS is back to haunt me.)
In conclusion...
Monday: Please don't let me have Monday blues. First day end school at 7. Although I still wonder if I attend mon LSc&U lecture, does it means that I can skip wed's lecture?
Tuesday: 1pm can go home already...damn happy. Last time where got so early go home?? Okay I know 2.1 have...but...I never take 2.1...okayyyyy? Although I'm quite worried about the 6hrs straight lab session on wk 35.
Wednesday: I really hope that I only need to attend one of the LSc&U lecture. If not I'd have to stay 5 hours in campus either revising or doing something which I don't know what to do, and that's scary.
Thursday: Packed day, with lectures in between. Nothing much to be said. Except I might be tired from sitting too long. You know those scenarios where you sit too long and your butt aches? back aches? Argh forget it.
Friday: Woohoo I get to wake up late! Although...CSAS is damn scary...
CSAS1 - Lab report CSAS2 - Public Speaking CSAS3 - I forgot what already. CSAS4 - JOB INTERVIEW WTF
In conclusion, I'm satisfied with this timetable, but the big question is...
Do I only require to attend one of the LSc&U lecture, which is either on monday or wednesday?!?!
I love and enjoy lab. But...pre-lab is always tough. But I shall endure it.
P.S: Don't ask me about the acronyms, cause I only know UO2 is Unit Operations 2, CSAS is Communication Skills of Applied Science??? (I think. Cause I always use comm skills as short hahaha.) and LSc&U is 90% confirmed as Life Science and You? APEL2 I dunno what is the...expanded form. Cause everytime when it's time for APEL, it's like this.
"Apple time!" <- dunno why but everytime someones says this I think they pronounce APEL as apple hahahaha. Because I am one of them hahahaha. Okay I know this fact does not applies to everyone.
Mum feeling better but...she couldn't walk that well. I think she sprained her leg. But I am sooooo damn relieved now. (:
Didn't sleep reallll well these few days, and I tried doing housework. It's.Real.Chaotic. The only part of housework I can do real well would be, shopping! For food, daily toiletries and stuffs.
So I felt so relieved and started this post after playing some games. You know, pent up worries have the need to be released away (- - I feel like I'm making excuses. I am okay.)
So I got down to play Eternal Sonata. And completed it in omfg 20-28hr +++ (Considering I afked about an hour or so.) Review : Shortest RPG but the most enjoyable one. I didn't get to encore mode yet ): Lazy lah. I'll wait for the eng ver instead.
So I started on Wild Arms 5. PS2 seems so laggy now >_>" 5 hours and I've only crossed 2 dungeons. -.-"
OH!!!! Before I forget, I wanna recommend one game!
NDS : Ace Attorney Series.
Kns I'm regretting why I didn't bought this series earlier. Now I've only got the 2nd and the 4th installment. AHHHH I want the 1st and 3rd lahhhhhhhhh. Damn addictive can. I started playing 3 hours ago and I don't wanna let go of my nds alr.
I love that game! It's about law and proving that your client is not guilty. Haha. I love the part where I do crack my head figuring out to produce what evidence. *swt*
Now I think I understand why lawyers love shouting objection. Cause they love to object everything? Hahahahahaha.
It's fun and addicting. But...once you complete the game, you'd feel empty. Cause the cases is the same. So I recommend you to...
Play and complete the game, then after a few months, play again. It keeps the game fresh I suppose. And maybe you'd forget the case and crack your head solving it again ^^v
Okayyyy. Gonna go prepare my pencil case. (I plan to change one! Cause the current one use 6 years already. It sounds like an antique. But it's not! Someone gave it to me ^^".) I'm keeping it!
I feel like posting my ES stuffs here. Cause that game is fun and it's over.
Yesterday meeting is okay! But I'm still afraid of the Course Manager. Hahahaha.
Played Eternal Sonata till chapter 6! 2 more chapters to completion of main storyline! (: Apparently, due to those addition, it's quite hard for me to follow the Xbox360 guide =(
悠久の翼。 <- This song instrumental rawks. But I can't find it. Bummer...hmm...I feel like getting Angela Aki's album! Either Home or Today would be nice...but I wonder which one should I get? =3 Home has Kiss Me Goodbye, which I want, yet Today have Sakurairo, which I aso love! ARGHHH although most of her songs are nice...[not kokoro no senshi's album though]..but I dunno which one to get!!
Andandand! Vampire Knight Guilty Opening is so damm nice. Hahaha. Made me feel like watching it alr lah.................
Rondo by On/Off (:
Okayyyy. I wan go bathe liew. Ciao! (:
Anyone wanna watch Eagle Eye, Burn After Reading or that Storm Riders: Clash of Evil???
Meeting the Course Manager later. Dunno why la...I find that he has an air of superiority and that makes me scared hahaha. Like he's damn strict and all.
Which me luck to have the courage to talk! Ohmigosh the previous time I had a talk with him...I stutter can! PANIC LAH.
Wish me luck! (: I need to conquer this fear if I'm going to talk well.
Omg I had a really realistic nightmare. Just hope that it doesn't happen. ):
Argh. Ef ~A Tale of Memories~ is just way too sad. I can't continue after the end of episode 11. But I want to watch the last episode! So contradicting. Sigh.
Best sad couple: (Even kanon, bokura ga ita also cannot be compared to.) Renji Chihiro
Okayokay you might not know, but Chihiro is the one with the illness after an accident. She cannot remember anything past thirteen hours previous, aside from the events before the accident which she can recall perfectly.[Direct sentencing from wikipedia.] Dunno how to really explain well lah okay. SAD ENUFF ALR OKAY!
I don't know why, but somehow, I tried to think, what if that same thing happened to me. It'd be damn sad.
You had to rely on what you wrote, to remember what happened everyday. Even though you read in detail what you wrote, you still wouldn't remember the experience...you felt at that moment.
You have to rely on pieces of lifeless, for your precious memories?
Okay enough said I have decided to watch what happens to Chihiro and Renji. SAD LAHHH. Hope that it's a happy ending.
-Forget me not. Ever forever.-
-Fear is only as deep as the heart allows.-
Do you have memories that you don't want to forget?
Truth to be said, I never expected that I could blog 500 posts. It's quite nicely done I suppose, although some of the post are really pure spammage. =p
Anger, sadness, happiness, bliss, despair, depressed, lies, truth, secrets, love. Every post would convey one of such emotions. That's what I love about my posts, it just feels like, every post is a colour, a page of my life, which compiles into a chapter, and eventually, into a story, my own personal story.
Sometimes when I read my own blog post, I do laugh at my silliness. (Yeah laugh at me. I know I look silly reading my own past.) Like, why would I do this, how could I be so stupid (yeah yeah yeah), how did I manage to get that sad, that emotional?
You could say that I'm changing everytime, till I don't really know who myself are. But, all of these things, is a part of me, and it will never leave me until *touch wood* someday I lost my memories.
Haha okay I know you should be bored with all the talk about myself, but hey! It's my blog, so it should be about me! Nenenipoopoo hahahaha.
Okayyyyy I'm gettin the flu pish it okay! Went to watch Painted Skin with Phad wearing what I wouldn't really wear for watching a movie in a nearby place like Tampines. 3/4 sleeves tee, jeans (wth), covered shoes (argh). Like I'm going to Orchard liddat.
That movie is nice for my idea of romance (I hate that guy in the movie though.), but the gore is still there lah. (ohmigosh)
After that movie, went home and continued watching Ef ~A Tale of Memories~. Total recommendation for, I dunno, romance seekers perhaps?
I like Chihiro and Renji that pairing. So damn sad and depressed. At first I like Kei, but I end up hating her and scolding her bitch hahaha. It just shows that, first impression is important, but not as important as overall impression. ):
Download stuck at ep9. Mehhhh. I shall dl the 2nd season, Ef ~A Tale of Melodies~ (: I dunno why I love romance genre anime like...Kanon. Those that I cried in. AHHHH.
*Otaku mode off*
Okay...so today is just filled with sneezes, movies, anime, tears, laughter, tissues, it's just an average day!
I might slog to Orchard tomorrow for shopping in Kinokuniya. I wanna get some chinese novels and mangas already. I find chinese novels being able to convey emotions better than english novels. (:
I saw this song by Kyla at plurk thanks to the recommendation of eggiines (:
It's If I Were You by Kyla! It's my blog song muahahaha.
I look in the mirror, with you in my arms And I see a reflection Of a smile that says you believe in love And just for a moment, I drifted away But I couldn't stay cuz A hint of love, a bit of fear I'm tryin' to say
If I were you, I wouldn't be here If I were you I would stay right where you are I wouldn't come near this broken heart Just turn around and leave here And find someone who won't hurt you Make sure that she still believes in love Cuz I think my heart has given up If I were you, I wouldn't be here Ooh yeah
I'm tryin' to protect you From the lies that your heart tells Even though it says that you love me All I see is pain and misery Seasons may change But I can't forget the days of old My heart ached when you walked away I said I'd never love again
If I were you, I wouldn't be here If I were you I would stay right where you are I wouldn't come near this broken heart Just turn around and leave here And find someone who won't hurt you Make sure that she still believes in love Cuz I think my heart has given up If I were you, I wouldn't be here
The days go by And I feel that you could make me happy Time goes on And I feel that love is at my door And though I tell myself that you're the one Who said those words before Thought it hurts too much I can't trust in love Again Again
If I were you, I wouldn't be here If I were you I would stay right where you are I wouldn't come near this broken heart Just turn around and leave here And find someone who won't hurt you Make sure that she still believes in love Cuz my heart has given up
If I were you, I wouldn't be here If I were you I would stay right where you are I wouldn't come near this broken heart Just turn around and leave here And find someone who won't hurt you Make sure that she still believes in love
If I were you, I wouldn't be here If I were you I would stay right where you are I wouldn't come near this broken heart Just turn around and leave here And find someone who won't hurt you Make sure that she still believes in love My heart has given up Can't be here
If I were you, I wouldn't be here If I were you I would stay right where you are Cuz my heart has given up If I were you, I wouldn't be here Ooh I wouldn't, if I were you I wouldn't be here Oh oh oh
I know I know that it's just me, but I just felt that...suddenly everyone isn't free. I seem to be the only one that's free. Class gathering is fun...and thanks yc for the MGS4. That made my day (: I had the BEST teriyaki chicken and black pepper chicken of my life =)
Wonder how did BBQ food tasted so nice to me ):
Ok back to my problem since this is my blog! *smirks* Ok I'm being wilful. But...WHY IS EVERYONE SUDDENLY NOT FREE!!!! *SCREAMS*
I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwww that most of you really aren't free and I wouldn't really pester anyone who isn't free! Because I understand all of you have work/study/commitments to do. But I do feel non-existent again! (Yeah yeah I know it happened a few years back and I pissed everyone off but...) ARGH.
I'm just plain lonely okayyyyyyyyyyy.
I remember! Yesterday Travun said this.
"Go over and join in the conversation la. Socialize abit."
"But I'm anti-social!"
In the end I still joined in and had fun gossiping >_>" ohmigosh I seem so silly >_>"
Okay. Dear friends, please ask me out soooooon before I go crazy.
I'm waiting for the changin appitizers thingy. ARGH.
Lonely~ I'm mr.lonely~ I have nobody~ alllll on my ownnnnnn ohhhhhhhh~~ HAHAHAHA.
Okay I'm going cranky.
*Goes into anti-social mode and play Trusty Bell*
Beat is my only source of comfort. He's so cute. How I wished next time when I have children, they'd be cute like beat, I'd huggggg them like there's no tomorrow (:
I actually heard this song in Japan, Shibuya 109 (:
I find it nice after listening it to 30minutes straight? Haha.
Kurage Nagareboshi by Otsuka Ai.
Lyrics taken from Lyricsmode.
Romanji: Tooi kono kyori Maiban no you ni Aitakutemo aenai Atama no dokoka ni aru
Sukoshi zureteru nokana Kono hoshizora saemo Anata mo onaji you ni Omotte kureteru no?
Kurage nagareboshi mitsukeraretara Anatano namae wo omoiukaberu yo Donna iyana toko shitteiru noni Anata no koto konnani sukidayo
Koishiteiru Sonna fuu ni yobu kana? Wasureyou to sureba suru hodo hoshiku naru
Sonnani anata to atashi wa chigau no? Doushitemo futari ni hanarenai
Kurage nagareboshi mitsukerarezu ni Anata no kotoba mo wasuretchai sou dayo Tatta hitotsu shinjiteiru tuyosa ga areba Kurushiku suki de irareru nokana
English: So far apart Just like we are every night I want to see you, but I can't Just somewhere in my head
Maybe it's a little strange If only, this starry sky You see it and think The same as me?
If I find that special falling star Your name will float into my mind Even though I know I don't want it to I just love you that much.
"Falling in love" Is that what it's called? The more I try to forget, the more I want you Are you and I really all that different? No matter what, I don't want to break up
If I don't find that special falling star I might forget your words With only one last belief and strength In such pain, can love still go on?
AHHHHH there's tons of pics to upload (I suppose, but most are pics-that-can't-be-seen). So, I'll go slowly, day by day! (:
Day 1 - Let's screammmmm Osakaaaaaaa!!!!!
Reached the airport after...6hrs ++ morning flight with only 30mins of sleep. ._."
The toot-toot train that I sat to reach Osaka Castle! (It's only, about 5mins.)
Osaka Castle gate.
Osaka Castle from farfar away.
Japan's vending machine! (Where you can see it everywhere. Really!)
Where it was once filled with water, before becoming like this.
Shrine gates! Although it's not red in colour.
Metallic birdies resting on the handle. (:
The tour guide said that this tree blooms sakura during spring.
Shinsaibashi, the shopping street, which is not crowded? Hahahaha.
If you're lost, look for the crabs! In total there's 3 of it I suppose, cause I saw 3!
This picture is dedicated to MT. Hahahahahaha. Adult shop leh! AND I GOT TO SAW JAPAN'S CONDOM OKAY! Hahahahahaha.
I take back what I said just now. Shinsaibashi is crowded. ><"
At the buffet restaurant. The food is quite nice! Chinese anyone? xD (Although I ate japanese curreh.)
3 streets of shops, 1hr, and I managed to walked only 1 1/2 without stopping for every shops. Bought one pair of new shoes and Trusty Bell! ^^
Universal Studios Japan! Although I didn't go in, but tourmates told me it's fun. ._."
If my memory doesn't fails me, this char is from Sesame Street.
I totally wonder how the tour guide took this pic till I'm so blur T_T
I dig Hard Rock.
The whole Japan is in Halloween mood, during Sept.
If you go to Universal Studios Japan, MUST TRY THIS CREPE SHOP'S CREPE. TOTALLY YUMMY. Mine's chocobanana with cream xD
At night, when I reached the first hotel, having sleepless night, in a 浴衣 (I'm not sure about the correct Jap term, so I'd rather type in chinese). ):
I've tried MELON PAN (Melon bread), but my phone's giving me trouble of sending the pic into my comp, will upload later.
---- Day 2 - Let's go to the temple and Shopping Street....not. T_T
Hotel lobby bear gallery. (Breakfast is another buffet, love the sausages.)
See! I love pooh bear so much. ^^
Bullet Train counter.
Taking the bullet train to Kyoto! I'd really agree that you don't feel the train moving fast when you're boarding it.
The trains is so damn punctual. I wonder the waiting time thingy in Singapore mrt station, does it originate from Japan?
Here I am at Kiyomizu Temple taking this picture of a whole herd of people lining up to dring the spring water. Apparently it is said that, if you drink either one of the spiring water (Love, education or fortune), you'd be blessed in that aspect. I didn't line up! Hahaha.
Scenic view in Kiyomizu Temple isn't rare.
One of the Love stones. (If you touch it, close your eyes, and walk to the other stone, and managed to touch the other stone, your love would be fulfilled.) I touched it OKAY! OKAY!! YAY!!! With the guidance of dang, her sis and her sis friend. But never mind. I touched it! RIGHT? RIGHT?!?!
And tadah. Seconds later I'm in heaven.
Another scenic view.
Oh let me tell you about the lots I got. Most of them said that my love would be fulfilled, but the person I'm waiting for will run away. Don't make sense. The person I'm waiting for is the person I'm in love with. Run away still fulfilled what????
Scenic view of Biwa Lake. It's so beautiful and the air there is fresh.
Me scared of falling down the cliff okayyyy. Stand infront of the fence to protect myself.
Another scenic view before I leave for the Omicho Market.
Omicho Market. Seafood, veggies and fruits galore.
Apparently below the stairs is a Mahjong area.
M-e-l-o-n. ----
Day 3 - Ancient. Morning view from my 2nd hotel. Stayed 5 different hotels during the 8 days.
At Higashi Chaya Gai. The old Japanese style houses. Damn it feels so nice to immerse myself in these streets. I feel ancient.
Another old house style. I wished I could stay there. Air fresh, weather nice, no robberies (Not totally no, but rare). Tsktsk.
Dang sis friend, Annie posing with the ice cream. LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE ICE CREAM. It's chicken egg flavour! With gold pieces on it! And it taste more of like vanilla! It's so damn yummy. Thank you very much dang sis for treating me the yummy ice cream. ^^
Old house style lantern much?
I love their roofs. The structure seems nice.
Gold covered tower in the souvenior shop.
The uncle inside is placing pieces of gold together.
Whose hand it is that's carrying that hammer and threathening to whack me with it? Guess. No prizes though.
I feel so, gold.
Golden clover. Someone is blocking me from getting a nice picture.
Golden bread. Edible!
Kenrokyen Garden. That garden is 1000x nicer than Botanic Garden!
Scenic okayyy.
Me in scenic view hahahaha.
Duckies on the pond.
I just find the plants cute.
Scenic too!
Scenic Scenic Scenic lahh.
I'm soooooooo "scared". LOL!
Can you see teh fish? I'm at Shirakawa-go Village.
All the houses are build without screws. It's all rope rope rope!
I find peeping toms would love all those bushes.
I seem to be falling.
Flower neh?
Butterfly on teh flower neh?
Storage room in one of the house. Teh house is soooooo nice and ancient.
I told ya. The ancient houses have totally no privacy. 2nd level can see below and 3rd level can see 2nd level. Poowie.
Attic view of outside.
#2 attic view.
Oh. This pot of tea and the burning charcoal is the culprit of thte smoky house.
Takayama Castle House area. Tried sake. Omigosh the sake is so bitter but it made my body feel so hot seconds later.
Okay. Thrid night hotel is ONSEN and I totally love it. Meh those who didn't even try onsen once in their lifetime would be wasting that experience ):
Part 2 coming right up after I come back from the class gathering much? =)