Say Hello to...
Saturday, November 29, 2008 @ 10:50 AM
Just a slight update in what I'm doing at the mo other than reading storybooks. (I can't put down Brave Story. Hahaha.) I even went to pre-order the Tales of Beedle the Bard (I suppose), in popular. December 4th! ^^
My new baby. *smirk*

My new baby~ *hugs hugs hugs* I finally decided to spend my savings to buy this xbox 360. After serious decisions, I decided to buy the pro version (Not really, because if I bought the elite I couldn't get the games I wanted D:) Haha. Saved 100+ for games. =p

My baby wrapped in it's blanket sleeping. ^^

OH! Someone kind sponsered these two games for me!!! ^^

Current games. 5 RGPS HAHAHA. Can play for dunno how many months already. Infinite Undiscovery is nice!
I got my love! The Last Remnant. *drools* I haven't touched it yet.
So, this is the slice of my life at the mo. Persona 4 is coming! *drools again*
Back to reading (: AHHH why Brave Story so nice to read! It's so thick also. *Even thicker than Harry Potter and The Deathly Hollows.
Bummed me : That La Corda Doro Primo Passo DVD sucks. You know the english subs sucks badly!! Hihara (火源)The english subs put HUOYUAN instead of Hihara. WTF. I had to remember who is HuoYuan somemore. Pfft. And the episodes JUMPED somemore. Such a disappointment.
Labels: Daily Rants
Previous previous post.
Thursday, November 27, 2008 @ 9:47 AM
Removed tagboard. Not going to post for some time...maybe days...weeks...months...I don't know. If the tagboard magically appears, it means I'm starting to blog again I think.
And for these few weeks...please call me via my home phone or email, because my hp is down, and I don't know when it'll be up. Lol.
So...hasta la vista, ciao!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 @ 9:17 AM
I just saw that the tagboard is full of message that
I urgently need to reply and it seems that I neglected that fact. It's my responsibility, and I really sincerly apologise to everyone who left a message.
Negligence, is my fault in everything that has happened. If everyone of you is mad, there's nothing I really could do but to apologise and make it up to you. I won't avoid the consequences...
I'd really like to help out in any way I could. And I could just wish that you would accept my sincerest apologies in this.
Sometimes I do wonder should I take off the tagboard. Because if I took it off, everyone would have to contact me via email, which I check about twice a week.
Maybe I should just do that.
I'll be removing the tagboard in a week time, so I just hope that everyone saw my replies on the tagboard before I remove it.
Labels: ARGH, Daily Rants
Hi! At! Us! Hiatus!
Monday, November 24, 2008 @ 3:38 AM
I dunno when I'll blog
here again, so check back if you want to!
Just some final things to say, since I'm not coming online that often anymore I suppose. my poly groupmates who visit my blog..thanks! I've gotta tell you something, if you manage to see this...than great...but after all I'll be sending an email to you too! But it'll be tomorrow. I'll be deferring for this semester I won't be seeing you peeps until when all of you come back in 3.2, while I think I would be in 2.2.
Thanks for being my classmate, and I really liked this class alot! Sigh...
And...even though I applied for deferment, but if you peeps need any help, please feel free to call me okay? I'll try my best to help...ain't making my life any harder, but I just wanna help out if I could.
So...that's all.
Somehow I realised that being away from the computer does make me less prone to overuse it. Wowwwwwww. Last blog header change before I go weeewooweee ):
Everything is as it should be falls apart. Hmm. I saw it somewhere so I decided to kope that phrase you knowwwww. Hahaha. Okay I'm so gonna go cause I bought La Corda Doro DVD for $9. LOL! 25 episodes 9 bucks. Hahahahaha.
Labels: Daily Rants, Updates on Blog
Saturday, November 22, 2008 @ 12:09 AM
And here's a
Happy 18th birthday to fang!!! Teehee. Everyone's getting older...muahahaha.
Xbox360 $499. Ohmigosh I want! DAMNNNN. Let's see who can sponser abit. xD
List of games that I'm definitely getting if I have xbox360...
Last Remnant
Star Ocean 4
Tales of Vesperia
Infinite Undiscovery
Labels: Daily Rants
Giving up.
Friday, November 21, 2008 @ 11:31 AM
I just feel like giving up. Liquidating the wish I had. Maybe I am not allowed to wish for such things. I can't do anything at all.
Is this the time for me to believe in...
"How can you say you can't do anything when you never even really tried?I know I tried. I know it. But what I fear most is not the process, not the result. But the truth. Do you understand what is the feeling, to be denied, to be rejected, to be dejected, to be disappointed, to be feeling like the world is totally unfair?
I will never believe that there's a god in this world. If there is, why can't it make everyone lives much more blissful? Why must it make it seems like everyone's pitiful in some way? Why can't everyone be rich? Why can't everyone get the things they wanted so badly? Why can't everyone find true love? Why can't everyone be equally smart? Why must there be despise among people? Why must there be smartass who is so arrogant? WHY? WHY?! WHY?!!
Simple. Because the world ain't fair. I've seen it all.
The smart ones that despise the not-so smart ones.
The high-class people will oftenly look down on poor people.
Those in better streams will be much more arrogant (I saw such people.)
Let me hit a hard idea into the numbskulls of these people. So what if you're smart? Does that mean that you're definitely going to achieve better in life than everyone? No. It just means that your IQ is higher. The end. It doesn't mean anything! So what if you get a degree, PHD, or whatsoever? It just means that you know how to study! NOTHING ELSE. You're just an amateur in that job. Get over it you asshole. ^^
High class so what? The plain act of looking down, despise already demoted you to the lowest of the low in society. Mannerism. Where is equality? SO what if that person is poor? SO WHAT? Not like when that person is poor, he/she will 100% borrow money from you. Get over it. Some people have their pride. WHY AVOID POOR PEOPLE? DAMN IT. The worst is those who are RICH are acting like they're so POOR.
Those in better streams in school. Those arrogant ones. I ain't stereotyping anything. (Including the two points above.) There are really such assholes in the world. This whole thing is
directed to those assholes. It just means that you know how to study. Good. *clap hands*. To say it rudely, that just proves that you're a nerd. You're only good in studying. You study so much to get those bloody results. HERE'S ONE SENTENCE FOR YOU.
GET A LIFE. Life isn't only about studying. It's full of experiences that you need to try.
And why did I type these?
1. First point is directed to my relative. Pfft. So what if your daughter is smarter? SO WHAT? Do you have to compare everything? PSLE, O's A's GPA, whatever. I get my scores, your daughter get hers. So just one sentence to you. MIND YOUR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS THANK YOU. If your daughter get good results, of course I'm happy for her. (: Why not? I find such people a bother, as they are just finding a way to flaunt their daughter's intellect and to reduce your confidence.
2. Second point is to my Uncle family. Damn it man. Stop acting like you're poor.
As if you would be poor. If you're poor, would you rent someone a room for such a low price? Oh my. How
"poor" you are. Awwww.
3. Third point is to those arrogant people. Get over it. Just put yourself in the shoes of that person you're insulting. Despising. DO YOU LIKE THAT? If you say yes...then you're a hypocrite and someone who lies. Or maybe you're a psycho. Who knows?
Okay I feel better now. Gonna go watch teebee. ^^ Somehow I just love to scold people muahahaha.
Labels: ARGH
@ 6:32 AM
Half. I'll half my expectations for my wishful thinking that it'll happen. That the miracle would happen. One of my wish will happen. That I'll be happy at the end of 2008. I'll wait till then.
Let's just say, I'm assuming that there's no miracles already.
There are no miracles in this world. There's only the inevitable, and the coincidences.So that's why I decided to half it. At least when the time comes, I wouldn't be that disappointed, and I'll still go into 2009 with a better mood! ^^"
That's what I think (:
I'm starting fresh in 2009! ^^ I'll change my attitude toward stuffs. Maybe my personality too heh. I've already started things I wanted to try, things that I never wanted to do. [For instance...exercise.] LOL!
In life, you've gotta try everything at least once! Heehee! ^^Oh! I changed my blog song again. White Mage's Theme from chocobo racing. This song is's quite soothing. And for me...there's a scent of nostalgia and tint of melancholy in it. Maybe that's why I like it?
-I know...what it's gonna happen. Because it will never happen. Let it die down...since it's been so long.-
-The jealous trouble others, but they torment themselves.- <- saw this in a book. Maybe I should buy that book. 36 ways to heaven or something like that. DAMN MEANINGFUL book. ^^"
I'm now working on the Japan trip pt 2 >.<
Labels: Daily Rants, Updates on Blog
I've got a questionnaire. Lol!
Thursday, November 20, 2008 @ 12:46 PM
Happy birthday karilynnnnnnnnnnn. You're 18 you're 18 you're 18 like a flower! What present you want?!?! (: Go take driving test okay! ^^
I've got tagged by mt to do this quiz thingy hahahaha.
1. Do you have secrets?
Yes. Who doesn't? Care to find out? Lol! If it's concerning you, fret not. I will never ever tell you.
2. Would you fall in love with a boy/girl younger than you?
Why not? Haha.
3. How long do you intend to wait for someone you really love?
Dunno. I've waited quite long enough. But if you really want a timeframe, years? But maybe I might give up on the way.
4. What would you do with a billion dollars?
A BILLON DOLLARS? Dun tell me it's rupiah. I'll puke. If it's SGD or USD...I'll save 80% of it, 10% of it will be spent on travelling round ze world, the other 10% for the things I like. I'm quite kiam siap right?!?!
5. Will you fall in love with your best friend?
.....................I did before. Am I now? I don't know.
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
Loving someone who doesn't love you back, is hell. Being loved by someone you don't love, is another matter.
7. Give one reason why you love your significant other.
I don't think loving someone needs a reason. For my case, it's that...quite suddenly, I find out inside me, she's already someone important, someone I love.
8. If the person you secretly like is already attached, what would you do?
If she's happy, I'll wish her for the best. But if I find out that her "other half" is practicing infidelity, I'd really try to snatch her from him. I'm CONFIDENT I'll treat her better.
9. What is the first thing you want to do when you're legal?
Watch M18 movies! (:
10. What would you do if your significant other cheats on you?
Well. It just means, see you. Maybe I'll never see you again.
11. How would you see yourself in 10 years time?
Dunno. Maybe working somewhere in a chemical plant? Maybe being a pro pianist? [I'm dreaming for the second one. I'm taking piano lessons soon! GRADE 8! WO LAI LE!]
12. Who is currently the most important people to you?
Me, Myself and I. No la. Also my family and close friends.
13. How many times your heart has been broken?
Many times. I have a fragile heart that shatters whenever people ask me to GND. Which occurs very often. HAHA.
14. Would you rather be single and rich or married but poor?
Single and rich. (:
15. What is your favourite colour?
Sky blue, grey, Dark blue, blue, black, white.
16. If you're attached but you feel as if you like someone else, what would you do?
I'll try to sort out my feelings. If it doesn't work out...I'll tell her that, I need some time. Because I don't want, and never want to cheat on her. I have the responsibility, and the need to do so. Because she's equally important as how I treat myself.
17. Would you forgive and forget no matter how horrible a thing the someone has done?
It depends on
how horrible. I
might bear a grudge if it's very horrible. Maybe I'll never forgive, or I'll forgive but never forget.
18. What do you want to tell the someone you like?
I love you, and would you be my girlfriend? [Gosh do I sound so bad?]
19. If there is a choice between lover and friends, which will you choose?
Neither. Why should I make a choice? Both parties
must be understanding enough.
20. Do you believe that there's "True Love"?
I once believed in it. But maybe it's just my wishful thinking. I wish to believe in it again, yet I'm scared.
Love. it's always complicated. (:
I ain't tagging anyone. *emo*
Labels: Quiz
Recurring dreams.
@ 1:13 AM

Click for Nostale!Nostale is fun.
After the previous events, (Laughing,crying, freak thingy...) I've been having recollections of the past. Whew damn scary. Childhood times is so so so scary. Traumatised.
Okay lemme try to go on a happy mood a little. I've some overdue gifts that I haven't give to anyone yet.

Fantuan! I bought 2 shana boxes with nothing! Okay la. there's something in there but I dunno what's it. And...a lucky star gachapon...(I wanted more but no coins and I dunno how to say change haha.) With the specky class moniter inside ): Forget her name...Mi something one. =x Not inclusive of the sushi.

Hahaha. Next up is...

My birthday pressie from mt and jh. Thankssssss. I'm still trying to find a longer chain hahaha.

What I've drawn when in bed. (:
What I really really want now/christmas/lottery prizes/whatever that makes people give me stuffs:

Okay this is so so so not fair. Why Last Remnant is out in xbox360 yet not ps3?
It will be released at a later date. With no damn announcement on when it is. Pfft. Why every game I wanted came out on xbox but not ps3? [Eternal Sonata (out), Tales of Vesperia, Infinite Undiscovery, Star Ocean 4, Last Remnant.]

Final Fantasy Dissidia. WOOTS.

DJ Max Portable Black Square! I just wished club mode isn't that tough.

Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories!!! WANT WANT WANT WANT WANT!

Persona 4 English version. Hahaha. I completed the wacky jap version and I wan english nao to understand the story hahaha. But it's fun (: Damn fun. Hard too. Peesh.

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer! I still haven't got my Breaking Dawn yet ):

Brave Story!! Since I'm lazy to watch the movie, (Or should I say I totally missed it and I don't want to buy the movie...) I decided to pick it up in novel format.

OH! OH OH OH! Anyone wanna watch this? 27 nov. ):
Changed blog song to Aioi by Juned. <3 Junjou Romantica 2 Ending hahaha.

Rewatching Lovely Complex. Very nice and funny hahahaha. It made me feel happier (:
Labels: Anime, Daily Rants, Desires, Updates on Blog
The sudden overwhelming emotions.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 @ 8:13 AM
After editing it THREE times, removing
sensitive, touchy stuffs, I finally done it.
It really is bad when a whole wave of emotions just suddenly comes in your mind. It just makes you feel like laughing, yet crying at the same time. When is the
worst time that it happens? Definitely, not in the middle of class, in the middle of taking the train, in the middle of a conversation...
but in the middle of trying to sleep. That's what happened. Wth...I don't know what happened but suddenly all those darn memories from the past
came flashing in my head...and...tears just started to form.
Happy, sad, fear, anxiety, all those feelings just came by. Damn I just felt like a freak, laughing and crying at the same time. I think I did lose my sanity at that moment. [Thank god no one saw that, I think they'd freak out and run.]
Everyone is living with different types of masks, over them everytime. Because they're scared. When the masks is being unmasked, their real feelings and emotions laid bare naked, it's when they are the most weak. So, people always try to hide their real feelings. Including me. I wonder how many masks do I own?'s more than I think.
It hurts. It's painful. It's sad. It's harsh. I wanted to cry. I couldn't stand it. I couldn't run. I couldn't resist. I couldn't end it. I wanted to hide. I wanted to scream. I wanted to resist. I wanted to run. I wanted to escape. I wanted it to end. But I was chased. I was caught.
And it happens everytime whenever I remember. And everytime the emotions is so real. Experiencing it over, and over again. All I can do is acting as per normal. I'm laughing, yet I'm crying inside. I'm smiling, yet I'm feeling painful inside.
I think, this isn't the last time I'm seeing it. So, I can only smile, and wait again. Knowing that this is something that I
couldn't brush away, no matter how hard I tried.
The best solution when you're sad is to cry. It works everytime. Maybe some people would say, "I can't imagine a guy will cry." But hey. Guys are also humans you know. We need an outlet for releasing our sorrow, not by DRINKING ALCOHOL TO DROWN YOUR SORROWS THANK YOU. Because it'd lead to more sorrow with an additional package of hangover. (:
Amamiya Yuuko : You know, senpai, when you lie, you always blink your eyes? When you said "I love you", you didnn't blink.
But it is ten years too late.----
Labels: ARGH, Daily Rants
Pissed off.
@ 8:03 AM
Something maddening.
Let's call this guy B. [B for bastard.] I felt like punching him in his groin. Lol.
B recently got a girlfriend! *inserts sacarsm* Yayyyy! I'm happy for him. Of course I'm
genuinely happy for him, finding someone with mutual feelings right? Who doesn't? I'm happy for him...until that phone call arrived.
I had to listen to him praising his girlfriend to I think higher than heaven, and how blissfull and happy wuvvy lovey dovey honey baby they are. WTF. Normally, I can tolerate such conversations because I know which lovers won't brag about their other half and how blissful they are?
But.His.Is.Going.Over.The.F*****G.Line. He talked about that for the whole hour with me going...starting from word replies. GOD can't he see that I'm getting less and less interesting in his topic? Worse of all...he ended with this sentence.
"However, I don't think you can really understand how loving we are now because
you aren't in love with someone...right?" And he hanged up.
And I almost throw the handset on the floor. WTH. You called to brag and then send a direct 9999hp wound to me? Someone who has only 100hp? [Yeah RPG huh?] Instantaneous death with no one using phoenix down to revive me hahahahaha.
Labels: ARGH
Practically sadistic.
Monday, November 17, 2008 @ 6:30 AM
Handphone spoiled. So if anyone
does and
did try to call/sms me via my hp number, I'm here saying a very
big apology. So if anyone do need to contact me, please send an email, or call my house okay?
Since the last post (14 nov), which is done in quite a rush because I forget to reply my friend since I think ages ago (I do wonder if she does need that advice anot, since it's been weeks.)...but I do hope that helps. [At least my conscience would feel better.]
Okay so today I got better enough to get up and go online to check my emails and msn, and I found some really urgent messages that are sent to me quite a long time ago.
Another apology...I do hope that you peeps do get to see this post.
These few weeks had been hell for me. Practically hell. So I'd really be glad to...spare the details and conclude with the previous two sentences. Thank you.
And...yea...I'd not be going online anytime sooner than...I also don't know. These few weeks I've been practically surviving by sleeping, waking up to eat. (WTH I sound like a pet right.) Okay at least I know pets don't read. =p
So...that's all I can say, because I just woke up an hour ago and I practically feel very fatigue [Yah I aso dunno why just wake up still so tired, and yes, I'm practically hungry with no food but I still need to eat something because
the freaking medicine said "After Food".] So here's my sincerest apologies to anyone who tried to contact me via any means.
And...please, for these few weeks, contact me via email...because my phone is still spoilt. Thanks. (:
And to ask everyone here a question that troubled me for these few days due to...something.
Am I a simple person, in the views of relationship?Labels: ARGH, Daily Rants
Rapid rhythm.
@ 5:23 AM
This post is actually done simultaneously after the one at the top, but because the top post is much more important (With the news of the spoiled phones and much stuffs like that), I decided to switch abit =p
Okay. If you
did read the post above, you should notice the question I asked. I did ask that question because
someone who I will never ever name asked me this question.
What do you actually expect in love?I was quite shocked with this abrupt question also...
Basically, this is what I expect~
Love and to be loved back. Simple isn't it...but you know, when it comes down to this four lettered word "l-o-v-e", it will always conclude as complicated, somehow.
To say the truth, I actually experience heaven and hell in love. Any small remarks from that person, I'd take it to heart. Good remarks, bad remarks, everything, I'd remember.
Really, it's better to have simple expectations in love, and straightforward in it. Trust is the basic in love, and without it, neither would love exist. Because it'd be tainted by doubts.
And yadda yadda yadda, I shall stop here because the answer I give have somemore paragraphs which is full of...omg even I typed I feel damn mushy stuffs. ):
But nevertheless, this phrase is the most truthfully hurting and relistic thing in love.
"Wishing the person you love would love you back, is it too much to ask for?" Ouch.
Labels: Personal Opinions/Stories/Poems
Love Advice Much?
Friday, November 14, 2008 @ 1:05 AM
Well, here's a shoutout to a question my friend said about her troubles.'s my answer to you! (:
Well, the only advice I could give you after counselling with my mum (Ahahaha I used the "my fren is going through this..." reason, and she said..."You sure is your friend or you anot?" LOL.), she gave me a very straightforward answer.
If you're doubting something, the most direct method is ask.After all, it's better to clear your doubts, than to leave it there, speculating about it yourself! If there is insecurities, just say it straight out to the party. If he really does place you in as
first position someone who's damn precious to him, he'd know how to settle your worries.
In your kind of situation, it isn't really dependent on your actions, on contary, it's more
dependent on his actions. The only thing he could do, if he really treasure you, is to answer your doubts, and solve it! Literally, avoid girls if you say that you think someone close to him adores him, etc. etc.
And most importanly, is, never think that the "special someone" is your whole life. Both of you aren't married yet, and even married couples do
divorce. There's no I belong to you, you belong to me stuffs in this world.
Remember this phrase...
"I can still live even if you're gone, but I chose not to do so."Get it? Remember! If you have insecurities, just tell him! If he knows how to act, that's good! But remember, insecurities are just plain insecurities. If it does go
over the line, it's not called as insecurities anymore. It's called as...
Over-sensitive.That's all the advice I could give ya my dear friend. =) Good luck!
Labels: Daily Rants
Pangya PSP.
Thursday, November 13, 2008 @ 1:53 AM

Nuff said. I want it. Just saw the trailer...and guess what? The graphics is damn better than the online version, and in this psp version, there's no *cough* cheaters *cough* hackers *cough* If it's not online, but if it is, there's *cough* CWCheats *cough* Sighhh. But nevertheless, it seems to be quite a high-end game to me, considering that I've been playing to many 8bit games. Star Ocean anyone? =p

A pretty bird flies by...

Salpin and Titanboooooo. Kooh <3

Scout and Salpin (: <- I prefer the psp version scout.


New character, not Lucia. It's Cien! <- Looks hawt.

VS mode.

Vs conversation much I suppose.

Tour mode?!?! Maybe.

Settings, minigames, I presume.

Look at those maps. Btw, I think it's only until season 3? Because the trailer doesn't shows Lost Seaway. ):

Shop, tourney prizes? It's hard to say.

Kooh =)

New caddie? Or new skin?

I want this if it's a caddie!

*drools* Arin...*cough* I think it's the shop. *cough*

Hatred rising. Paps shop >_>"

I think maybe Ntreevsoft loves swordsmen/women. Is that a katana?

If this is Cien, I don't mind. Looks so breula-ish.
That's all. This trailer has made me damn happy. That I forgot...I have to eat antibiotics now. The inflammation is not gone yet. Sighhhhhh. Oh well. Another game for me to enjoy. Pangyaaaaa. Btw. Header changed again. I'm just so fickle. Hahahaha. Sighhh.
-We have to make our own choices. When we asks someone else to make the decision for us, when things go wrong, who's to be responsible. Ultimately, it's still us.-
Labels: Daily Rants, Games, Updates on Blog
Enjoyed. Felt better. Yet...
Saturday, November 08, 2008 @ 5:59 PM
EP6 of Toradora: First few minutes made me spill out the water in my mouth. Damn lol.
Taiga and Minorin~ Came in suddenly...

Caught you~!

She grabbed her fats! MY GOD.

Begin tickle attack mission! Rawrrrr.

I'll tickle till you give up! Stop lying that you didn't do any diet!

Special attack~!!!!

Prepared for the powerful attack yet?

Double teamed! LOL.

Target fainted. Mission Accomplished!


The scary real damn scary at this part. I felt like I've saw a devil.
The ending for this episode...powerful.

Seductive eyes.

Guy who's shocked.

The girl stood there. Triangle love anyone? LOL.

I think...the guy's gonna suffer. (:
Can't wait for ep7.
Labels: Anime