Wednesday, March 31, 2010 @ 11:37 PM
Had a great day today! I guess I will decide whether should I buy the KH BBS bundle by 5th April!
Well, had a stuffing day, literally. I fell in love with the durian ice cream from Venezula! XD Will definitely buy one cup when I drop by Takashimaya again!
I finally found the black sesame seeds for my mum xD
14.不是每句 “对不起”,都能换来“没关系”。
19.当别人开始说你是疯子的时候,你离成功就不远了 ……
26.常常告诫自己不要在一棵树上吊死,结果 …… 在树林里迷路了。
I particularly love #5, #10, and #14.
Actively practicing #5 now :P
I guess I still need time.
It's really hard to find someone who put themselves in my shoes.
Labels: Daily Rants
Kingdom Hearts Forever.
Sunday, March 28, 2010 @ 12:53 AM
Found this at heartstation:
“About the next title, Kingdom Hearts 3 depends on Final Fantasy XIII Versus, but development of the next title is already underway. There are two titles other than Kingdom Hearts 3 in conception, and I think I’ll release one within this year.” (YES!)
“As from next year, I want to put out a title with multiple main characters.” (Sora, Kairi, Riku?!?! Just like Terra, Ven and Aqua?!?!)
“The series won’t end in Kingdom Hearts 3, more like the conclusion of the Xehanort saga.” (Yes! Thy wish for a Kingdom Hearts 13!)
“It’s not the case that when Sora’s story is over another hero’s story will begin; Sora will be the hero until the end.” (Yayyy :D)
And on the overseas version: “We added the Critical degree of difficulty, more cutscenes, more songs to the Rhythmic Ice Cream mini game, more Keyblades, more types of enemies and altered battle balance. I still can’t say we’ll release a Final Mix, but we can’t give it the generous treatment like with Re:Chain of Memories.” (I want a Final Mix!)
After reading this, I am so happy. I love Kingdom Hearts. Although at first I have my doubts about it because it features disney characters. But I'm still happy for picking up this game 6-7 years back. That fateful day changed my life. (:
Labels: Games
Spring is here...pfft. 2010 anime list.
Saturday, March 27, 2010 @ 11:52 PM
Yes, yes, yes. Being the outdated and lazy me, I finally went to have a look at the Spring 2010 anime list. Apparently someone credited the wrong person for my sig in aarin. Pfft.
Ahem. Back to the anime list. There's only a few, yes, miserably.
These are the following that will be out and yes, I'll leave a one line comment per anime.
List starts here:
Senko no Night Raid (Prolly picking it up, but I'm kinda turned off by the chronology setting.
Iron Man (Can you believe it?! I'll see how it looks like first.)
Yojo-han Shinwa Taikei (Art doesn't interest me, so I might pick up one episode and decide.)
Arakawa Under the Bridge (Star faced man? I dunno. Picking up one episode and decide.)
Rainbow - Nisha Rokubo no Shichinin (Dunno. Storyline looks emo.)
House of Five Leaves (Another Edo era anime T_T. Pick up and see.)
Heroman (Dunno. Looks like mecha to me.)
Ookiku Furikabatte Season 2 (MUST WATCH! But I'll find the dl for S1 first. (: MIHASHI AND ABE!)
Angel Beats (Dunno, ecchi anime I guess? If there's too much panty shots I'll forget it.)
Ichiban Ushiro no Dai Maou (Magic, School life, Comedy. YES! (:)
Working!! (Watching this. It's freaking hilarious.)
Giant Killing (Football = sports = no for me unless it's Ookiku!)
Hetalia Axis Powers S3 (Given up on this >_> srsly. Idoicy has its limits I guess.)
Ring ni Kakero 1 -Shadow- (Boxing = football = sports =/= ookiku so it's a drop.)
Major S6 (Baseball = ookiku but not = bishies so I'll drop!)
B Gata H Kei (Hentai. 100 casual sex partners dream coming from a girl...)
Kaichou wa maid-sama (MUST WATCH!)
Hakuoki: Shinsengumi Kitan (Dunno. It's 50-50 on my must watch list.)
Uragiri wa boku no namae wo shitte iru (Looks nice. Kinda VK-ish art style. Might pick it up.)
D.C. ~Da Capo~ exit (Will never pick this up since I never watch the previous seasons.)
Mayoi Neko Overun! (Nyan Koi similarities maybe? I dunno. But I don't really like the synopsis.)
KissxSis (Hentai. First episode = blowjob alert)
Ikkitousen : Xtreme Xecutor (Yes, slash until there's only bra and panties left. Too unrealistic.)
Shin Koihime Musou Otome Tairan (Never will I watch Koihime Musou. Traumatised by armpit licking.)
Yutori-chan (Looks cute. Maybe it's like hanamaru? Might get it.)
SD Gundam Sangokuden (No gundam. Please.)
Bakugan Battle Brawlers New Vestoria (No way.)
Hime chen! Otoki Chikku Idol Lilpri (No no no no ever.)
Sex Pistols (YES to yaoi! XD Haha. After Junjou Romantica my yaoi cabinet is reallllllly dry.)
Ai no Kusabi (YESSSSSSS!!!)
Nodame Catabile OAD (YESSSS!!!!!)
Geijutsuka Art Design Class (Hitotsu hitotsu hitotsu yes I'll definitely watch this.)
Super Street Fighter 4 (Hadouken! Hahahaha. Will try to watch this rofl.)
Yes, so now I seriously need the 1TB ext hddsk. Should I get my advance for that?
Labels: Anime, Daily Rants
What would I do if I had...a thousand bucks!
@ 3:29 PM
Yes. Thy is easily satisfied currently. I just need a thousand bucks! Be it finding it on the floor, getting it by doing jobs, striking the lottery, money from investments. (:
The one on the top of my list would be this:
*swoons* I love the design! XD
Next would be the highly sought after by me de 1TB external harddisk. I totally need that one now since I'm left with about 7GB in my laptop. ): Gonna go to the Kyushuu fair again! For the sweet potatoes~
Labels: Daily Rants
Friday, March 26, 2010 @ 11:39 PM

I seriously need the 1TB ext hddsk T_T after finding so many nice mangas.
I guess other than motivation, the only thing that could spur us on in the journey of life, would be hope.
But what can a person who doesn't have any motivation and hope do in his life?
The Kyushu fair is so crowded. I love the sweet potatoes and mini taiyaki too! :D Sigh...didn't get my havanas thanks to...my big feet. ): They don't have my size!! Argh. Guess I'll hang on to my current slippers...and try to stay at home when it rains...
P.S: Junhui! Is
this the Hilary Duff song you wanted? I think it should be this one. Slow and nice (:
P.P.S: Go listen to
this song! Lyrics wise it's nice, and the slow rhythm and beat at the start is good :D
Labels: Daily Rants
Dinner and picture :d
@ 2:07 AM

I love the concept of this picture :D

Vectors are actually quite nice when used properly.
Senki buffet was uberlicious full and they gave us 3 complimentary dishes! I totally loved the one where the fish melts in your mouth. Literally.
I shall go down to Kinokuniya and Funzcentre again! Damn I love the cloud figurine at the store entrance. D: Didn't manage to see KHBBS psp ): I wanna ask how much is it and if I strike lottery I'll get it.
Gonna get my Havanas tomorrow! Yay!! Goodbye to...slippery shoes. (:
Can I just pretend to never hear, and never see...a little longer?
Time is the provider of everything,
yet it is also the one who takes away everything in the end.
Labels: Daily Rants
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 @ 1:33 AM

All the manga that I've downloaded in 2 hours. I'm in love with Honjou Rie's works!! :D Stories aren't that "hardcore", and I love how mellow the romance is! ^^
I'm also interested in Yakuza lifestyle now thanks to Yakuza 3 :D Apparently everyone have tattoos at their back. ):
Couldn't find a present for junhui T_T howwwww!!
Labels: Daily Rants
Breaking Point.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010 @ 2:18 AM
Little lesson of the day:
Sometimes it's far better off to pretend not hearing, and not seeing the stuffs you wanted to see.
Pros: You live in a happier world than before.
Cons: Being evasive would not be a good way to live.
这就是所谓的,“我看不到不想看到的事物,也听不到不想听的话。” (:
Family matters sure is stressing, isn't it?
Ahh...I've finished playing the main storyline of FF13. Still couldn't really accept the absurd part where everyone turns to Cie'th and returns as scarred l'cie. But the ending is nice, and now it's time to grind for CP, gil to plat this game. It's a must plat for me! (:
My current platinum project would be FF13 and Yakuza 3. I totally love Yakuza 3! It's kinda cute when you see Kazuma holding hands with Haruka! :D
I've realised that it's really a tough month in terms of monetary sense. ):
FF13, Yakuza 3, Resonance of Fate, FF13 collector's edition guidebook, RoF guidebook (Maybe...?), God of War 3 (Prolly not getting), KH BBS Ultimania (Must get.), Junhui's birthday present + dinner hahaha.
Thank goodess April - June is very empty. July would be P3P and KH BBS. And I think that's it. Maybe I'll only be getting Nier for April.
Jumhuiii I want my havanas! Haha. I almost slipped and fell a few days back...3 times while walking on wet roads. >_>"
P.S: It's kinda good that Chiaki accepted Nodame's marriage proposal :D Can't wait for episode 11 which is a week later. Gyabo....
Labels: Daily Rants
Constant Fear.
Thursday, March 18, 2010 @ 1:37 AM
It was once said before that "
Fear is often scarier than danger." I guess this quote is seriously true.
scared. After sorting out my feelings, and finally getting back up on my feet. I'm still scared. I actually manage to block all those memories out. Yes, I don't want to and never want to remember unless necessary.
So, I'm scared of some words, some events that would make me remember.
Remembrance is such a scary thing for me now. Some little things that jog my memory...it's just so hard to block it out.
So, recently I'm in fear of hanging out. Because of some reasons, that I couldn't find anyone to confide into. I may seem to disappear, but in fact, no. I want to meet up. I want to go out.
I miss my friends! But, the constant fear still hangs around. So, I stay in my safe shelter, home.
Because the people at home will welcome you, no matter how much you've changed, for better or for worse. Maybe the impact is too huge for me to take, hence I decided
to run, to run away. to become an anti-social fella. It's my personality. It's hard to change.
I tried so many times to utter failure. What can I do?
I can do nothing at all.I'm actually scared to meet up, today, or sunday. But, what I can do to cover those fear? Run.
Because I'm not sure who to trust, or who to doubt anymore.
Insecurities and fading confidence, that's what I have now.
P.S: tagboard will only be up when I gain back my confidence and insecurities.
Labels: Daily Rants
Yakuza or God of War?
Wednesday, March 17, 2010 @ 2:48 PM
Should I get Yakuza 3 or God of War 3? I perfer Yakuza storyline, but God of War gameplay. ):
Labels: Daily Rants
Sunflower :D
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 @ 1:06 PM
Helped junhui to edit her blog here and there!! Haha! Went to sleep, woke up with a massive headache. ): Lalalalala.
Will put back the taggy in a few days time. I need to edit some stuffs.
Labels: Daily Rants
Monday, March 15, 2010 @ 11:50 PM
I need both happy and sad pills.
For now I'm in the middle, and am not sure...
whether should I laugh or cry.
Labels: ARGH
@ 11:33 AM
Yawn~~ today's schedule would be meeting mt and going down to CDC together (She needs to reactivate her acc, as for me, bang car driving lessons.) Then after that, gotta go down to Tampines to get my HDMI cable for my PS3, and then meeting maybe mt and junhui for dinner @ superdogs at ehub before watching Kaiji XD
I still can't get over the trailer for Nodame Cantabile the Movie! >.< But uber spoiler-ish for me so I'll spoil myself again XD
-Nodame went into breakdown, exhaustion mode.
-Stressemann invited her to do a concert with him (As he said, he wants to hear her piano again before he couldn't anymore) >.<
-Mine went to Vienna to see Kiyora's concour! (OMGG >.<)
-Eventually Nodame became a kindergarten teacher? ^^
Rah!! Can't wait! The movie comes during mid-April in Japan...so maybe end of year in SG?
If it suits you of course, I'm your slave, I'm yours.I'll be your servant here, and I'll not stop and rest, at your degree.When we're together, on the other side of the world...You'll do the same...For me. Labels: Daily Rants
@ 12:19 AM
Nodame Cantabile the movie is EPIC. Nice...with a cliffhanger ending and a uber nice trailer at the end of the movie! :D
I guess the perks of watching movie alone is quite good.
You become happier after a comedy. :D
): But now I think I know the anime version ending ): Spoiler.
Labels: Daily Rants
Sunday, March 14, 2010 @ 4:43 PM
Took of my cbox, maybe taking of twitter too. Planning to revamp my blog into something simple.
Changed my email address too. Thanks to my forgetful self. Leave me a wall post if I haven't added you yet. (: Sorry, and thanks for feeling the worth the add me :D
Labels: Daily Rants
@ 2:42 AM
I forgot my hotmail password. Hope I can remember it by tomorrow.
Saturday, March 13, 2010 @ 3:38 AM
Wavering dreams.
The grey skies, the silent night.
Labels: Daily Rants
Friday, March 12, 2010 @ 1:14 AM
Ping, pong, piang!
After today's gym, I predict that I will have sore legs and arms tomorrow. ):
I realised that I shouldn't worry about her that much, to the extent of going to her blog everyday to check about her state of affairs. Is it guilt, or is it leftover sentiments?
She seems to be okay, and happy. So I shall just forbid myself into visiting her blog any longer.
P.S: I want Yakuza 3 ):
Silence always manages to cuts me to the core.
Why, do I hate silence so much?
Labels: Daily Rants
Thursday, March 11, 2010 @ 1:50 AM
Sometimes I want spice in my life, yet sometimes I feel that boredom is just a part and parcel of life that everyone have to face, so it's okay feeling bored.
God, what am I always contradicting myself with my thoughts?
So today is an uneventful day with me doing nothing, sitting around, waiting for time to pass. Omg.
P.S: Okay there's something eventful. I finally platted Mini Ninjas, and I'm in love with Vanille from FF13 again. ):
Different places, same sky, same thoughts.
Labels: Daily Rants
Airpork, Faint Fantasies, Sexcapades and Lost Kingdom.
Tuesday, March 09, 2010 @ 10:44 PM
Haha, weird title isn't it? Well, it's a compilation of what I'm planning to update haha! :D
Let us begin...
Well yesterday I went to the airport to meet Junhui, Ben and his gf for dinner!! I got to eat the Durian flavoured ice cream from Swensen thanks to junhui~ thankiewwwwwww! After that, head to breeks to have dinner, well, last time the cheese melted pattie I ate isn't realy that nice (And it's smallllllll.) So this time I tried...
Yes Cajun Chicken on Hot Plate (With tons and tons of Greens!) :D Well, the chicken with the sauce is okay, but the green is nice (I only love the greens and baked potatoes in breeks main dish).
After that, took the bus with junhui and alighted at Century Square to preorder my FFXIII. Then headed home, continued downloading apps for my jailbroken ipod touch....double yay!
Next day, woke up at noon, and met with mt to have lunch at Bugis. I love the Teriyaki Chicken Ramen from Ajisan! xD The pumpkin croquette is also tasty. Got my FFXIII LE Guidebook too! After that we went to...做爱..........做的事!We went to 做人! Hahaha. No la. We went to watch the movie 做人. It was pretty nice...7/10 I suppose.
Yes. The hologram cover kick arse!! It looks nicer than the Europe version haha. Without the silly game stamp too haha. I managed to find some game ripped pictures from KH BBS, and I went to spice the quality up a little...
Below is the following before and after result: (Left is before, right is after.)
Heck I think I'd rather improve on stock image editing rather than making a picture using a render and C4D (I totally suck at using C4D) >_>"
This book is coming out on 25th March! I totally want this book (Because of the cover, and...)
- Following the 3 main character’s scenarios, information on how to obtain their deck commands, details explaining the mini games, all sorts of data on the regular game play contents, beautiful 3D maps, as well as useful information for players.
- Of course there are also must see content for fans of the Kingdom Hearts
series. Inquiries about the many mysteries in the game will be explained, a large amount of illustrations are introduced, and furthermore, an interview with series director Tetsuya Nomura discussing the mysteries among other things not to be overlooked. - Out of the 7 Ultimanias released, this is the second largest with over 600 pages of content.
- It releases March 25th 2010 retailing at 1900 yen plus tax.
Words in bold are the many reasons why I want this book because after reading both previous Ultimanias (KH2FM+ and 358/2 Days), it's a
must have guide book because the Japan guidebooks always
go into so much detail that it's so darn useful (Even though I can only read a little of the guidebook.)
Okay...it's time to end cause I'm going to sleep soon :D
This, is the best quote ever.
Labels: Daily Rants
Monday, March 08, 2010 @ 2:16 AM
What should I do? I don't even know anymore.
And the questions keep piling up.
It's just like a locked door. The answer is beyond that door, but it's beyond my reach.
It doesn't even matter anymore.
Labels: Daily Rants
Up, Down, Left, Right, Forward...Backwards.
Saturday, March 06, 2010 @ 1:30 AM
I seriously wonder how, and how is what I wonder.
Some events actually manage to made me think about my current situation.
It's time to stop sitting down, and it's time to stand up and move forward. (: Life with planning does not seem to work well with me. Aims, goals, why do I bother about those stuffs that much? It's time to just act, and who knows what will happen?
I guess that is the way of life that belongs to me.
I actually thought of her today. What would happen if I hadn't sent that sms during June, two years back? Well, no use thinking. It's the present, and it's what I should be focusing at.
Suddenly I see, this is all I wanna be.
Suddenly I see, why the hell it means so much to me.
Labels: Daily Rants
Movie Madness! :D
Thursday, March 04, 2010 @ 3:19 PM
There's so many movies that I wanna watch this March! :D

Up In The Air, it's already out! It seems to be a light comedy/drama movie, with some inspirations in it. I actually wanted to watch this movie because of the trailer, or specifically, the question "
What is in your backpack?"

Gyabo! Nodame Cantabile The Movie! Okay. The drama series is damn funny! I've also watch the first movie already! So this is DEFINITELY NOT A MISS.

This movie looks nice, and well, usually Disney movies are a-okay in my preference. So I'll be most likely catching this.

Death Note casts again? Gambling? Omg. I'm so definitely catching this movie.

Layyyyton movie! Omg. The trailer looks nice, and it seems to have tricks and puzzles in this movie too! I love the series game of Curious Village and Pandora's Box, so I am watching this too!

After Percy Jackson, it's another movie that refers to greek gods. SO GONNA WATCH! :D
So here's my big question:
"Anyone free to watch these movies?!"Labels: Movies
Incoming busy day.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010 @ 1:37 PM
Alright. Today is kinda a happy day for be because Heavy Rain is finally being approved by MDA!!
So, I can get to see naked bodies, sexy striptease, crawling through razor sharp glasses, driving against the traffic on a highway, kill a drug addict, duck through electrical wires, drink poison and cutting oneself fingers off. Okay, why does it gets more and more disgusting?
I just hope that some stores will have stock that aren't meant for pre-orders ppl. I don't pre-order unless necessary because:
1. Maybe I can find lower price somewhere else, what happens?
2. If the place have cheap stuffs, and I pre-ordered on impulse yet I know it's somewhere far, wth >.<
Haha. Alright. Today is going to be a busy day because I have to head to CDC to renew my Provisional Driving License and after that I actually wanted to travel down to Orchard before Bugis for a dinner group date!
But it's going to be 2pm, and I'm meeting them at 5pm. How should I plan my schedule? :X
Platted last Rebellion. 14 hours of gameplay, 5 days used.Yeah. So I traded this back in and exchanged for Mini Ninjas. HIYAH! :D That game is utterly CUTE!!!
Life is unpredictable, isn't that right?
But why can I predict something that's going to happen so perfectly?
Labels: Daily Rants
Thought Provoking Question.
@ 2:08 AM
Well this is one thought provoking questions that leave me feel uninterested or rather, not wanting to think after awhile.
Ever thought of, after achieving the goals that you ever wanted...
Now what?
Find another goal?
Or will a new goal just drop from the sky, and land infront of your feet?
I finally realised why we should not feel content in our lives, because once we do so...
How do we move forward?Labels: Daily Rants