Sunday, February 21, 2010 @ 7:53 PM
It's actually time to let go, sit down, and think.
For life is suffocating if I keep going on, holding on to everything.
Realised that sometimes you can't have everything, and sometimes you have to have nothing to begin anew.
So, now it's a blank slate, a blank page for me, and I'll start filling in words again.
(: (: (:
Ohhhhh I totally love starhub giving preview channels! Now watching 百万大歌星!! Totally love that show. :D
My arms are so SORE now thanks to not exercising regularly. But I love playing badminton! ):
Note the subtitle. That's what has been bugging me sometimes.Labels: Daily Rants
Letting go, Standing still.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010 @ 1:50 AM
So apparently I'm still stuck in the loop of letting go, standing still, moving on. I mean, I know most people won't get stuck in such situations, but come on, everyone
do get such situations sometimes.
Here I am, still wondering how do some people manage to let go some important things in their lives easily. I mean, hey it's part of your life man! How can you let go of it so easily? Heh, makes me wonder how did they manage to do it.
There are things that are easily being let go, but sometimes those that are really precious to you, is it really that easy to let go? If it is, I would not be still standing here, looking like an idiot after so long.
Another one thing would be standing still. It's actually quite tempting to just stand still and not moving on at all, but when you're looking at everyone marching forward to their dreams, their future, you'll just tend to admire or be envious of them. I'm kinda happy that everyone is already deciding their future, yet there's still a little tug in my heart that why didn't I utilise my time well enough?
Why didn't I actually plan a future for myself beforehand? Maybe because I thought that the pieces of my future will fall into place on itself?
Sigh. And here I am, troubled by such stuffs in the middle of the night.
If I’ve lost my way, I may as well throw away my reasons.
Because, no matter how many reasons I have...
I'm still lost.
Labels: Daily Rants
Organization XIII.
Sunday, February 14, 2010 @ 9:37 PM
So after finding Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix + in one of my game boxes, I decided to whirl it up after forgetting about it for so long. Then when I went back to Cave of Remembrance, I found out that actually I've already defeated 8 out of 13 members. Apparently some of it was by luck while some is actually easy to defeat.
So far outta all of these members:
RoxasShould I just make a goal in year 2010 in defeating all 13 members without using cheats? LOL.
Btw, Happy Chinese New Year and Happy Valentines Day! (: Will update what happened tomorrow~
Labels: Daily Rants
Battle Royale
Friday, February 12, 2010 @ 3:11 PM
Recently I went to kinokuniya (Finally!) to restock on my supplies (Also known as books), and I actually stashed out $77 bucks. (Well, kinda no pain cause it was my mum's nets card.) =p
Bought in total 7 manga, and 1 novel. I actually wanted to buy The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, but decided not to cause the first series only managed to catch my interest near the end of the book, although I'm dying to know what happened to the two protagonist which names I don't even remember omg.
So, the book that caught my interest was Battle Royale. It's a novel where students have to kill each other, until one survives.
I wonder why would I like such novels in the first place? Haha.
Maybe because you'd see real trust, and betrayal, in these novels.
Hopelessly romantic novels are also good, but I prefer certain stories should have a certain kind of ending (Open ended, Good or bad endings).
Oh well. Gonna go and bathe, and after that, shop for shoes. Tomorrow morning is my spring cleaning day. (:
Labels: Daily Rants
Sleeping Early
Wednesday, February 10, 2010 @ 12:27 AM
Any tips in doing that? Already spent 3 hours lying ard and couldn't get to sleep.
Sigh, I wanna sleep!
Labels: ARGH
Pictures that Crack me Up.
Saturday, February 06, 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Draw With MeThis is a silent video. No voices, only music. But it's touching nevertheless.
I totally feel so sad when they wrote
"You are with me, only there's a glass between us." Ahhh! T_T The guy and the girl looks so cute (:
I guess I kinda like this person's artwork :D Although some are seriously NSFW xD

This was totally rofl.

This is uber ROFL. Mickey? Omg.

Hahahahaha. Imagination.

After eating so many ice cream...*puke*

Wii sex is better than reality. Lol.
Haha okay enough distraction. Yesterday my package finally arrived!

I love the wrapping xD

The box is nice. (:

Lightning :D now I don't feel like opening it for the cd inside ):

4cds + a very very nice visual artbook + lyrics :D

Then today, went to Ikea with junhui and ben for lunch. 2 poached salmon + 10 meatballs + 12 chicken wings + half baked chicken! Lol. 50 bucks for all these! :D Yum yum. The meatballs r nice!
After that, walked around while sitting on couches, chairs and beds. :D Then, I headed off to Suntec, Bugis and Parkway Parade with my parents and sis xD
Bought a berms and two black plain tees. Rofl. Chinese New Year clothes and I chose black >_>"
So the price of Nokia X6 have dropped till $388 bucks, with the $100 voucher it's $288 bucks :D
will be getting that phone on monday~ and White Knight Chronicles International Version on tuesday! xD

Sad picture. Your presence is my pain ):

I surrender in the game of love and hate. D:
Labels: Daily Rants, Pictures
Up In The Air.
Thursday, February 04, 2010 @ 10:23 PM
Up In The Air movie trailerThis movie trailer is simple, but it gives us a question that we usually find it hard to answer.
"How much does your life weigh?"Imagine for a second that you have a backpack. Pack it with everything in your life. Start with the little ones. Book, shelves, etc.
Next, go for the large ones, clothes, laptops, tv's etc. Getting heavier.
Larger ones this time. Couch, car, homes etc.
Next, fill it with people in your lives. Start with the casual acquaintances, friends of friends, classmates, people who you trust with your most inner secrets. Friends, families, etc.
In the end, you'll realize relationships make up the largest portion of that bag. All those negotiations, arguments, compromise, secrets.
This, makes me wonder, no wonder people do say that relationships are the basic things in your life. Bread and butter. Daily necessities.
I feel like watching that movie nao. Valentine's Day open at 11th Feb! (:
Just when things are the darkest for her,
CLICK. She shows her 100-watt smile.
She must be a professional.
How I wished I could be like her.
Labels: Videos
A day about pants, thoughts, and happy endings...not?
Tuesday, February 02, 2010 @ 1:00 AM

Sometimes when you don't have the abilities, don't try to do something that you know you can't.
Well, in this case, it's the pants we're talking about lol. So that's what I thought about when making signatures I guess. Apparently I don't have the skills, so maybe I shouldn't make signatures for others.
Hence, I've decided to stop photoshoppping for a moment I guess.
Oh well. Today there's nothing much happening, so I guess it's another safe day. (:
I might be changing phones tomorrow, who knows?Current total: 4/165 (current average 1 in 41.25 - $247.50 per rare)"
You have to open okay, at least 42 boxes to get one rare.
After reading so many happy endings, you'll wonder...
Why you can only read them, but not BE in one of them.
Labels: Daily Rants
Photographs. (:
Monday, February 01, 2010 @ 12:38 AM
Here's my some of my random snippets in my life :D

This is a sunset taken on a bridge near my house. I'll try to take a picture whenever I go out and have a run at the nearby garden. :D I love the warm glow so much! ^^
This is taken on another day, still to early for a sunset though. ):

The hairdresser helped me to style my hair when I went for a haircut. Now it's all back to normal and I can't style it like that! Boooo. I wanna learn the art of using wax to style my hair!

After some digging I managed to find this soundtrack collection! I remember buying it for 50 bucks. Quite a deal for 9 discs, and soundtrack for 4 games! Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 2, Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memories and Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+! I love the song "The Other Promise" in it. (:

Dang gave Fang and me souvenirs from her trip to Taiwan and Japan! I got the Junjou Romantica can! With something unexpected inside! Woooo Shinobu and Miyagi!

Preservatives? Why is there preservatives inside?!

Because there's a CHOCOLATE bread inside! Omg. Haha.

There's water droplets inside the can...I've washed it with my shower foam. Now it smells like peppermint inside. (:

The bread loaf after taking out the wrapper.

After cutting the bread into half. I've already finished the bread though.

Mango and Plum jelly! ^^

My favorite biscuit from Japan. Totally dig this biscuit. There's green tea flavor too!

Cat and Dog cookies from Ginza!

21 Books in total. Omg now I think I can enjoy reading! Thanks! I found out that one of my favorite BL manga is in it! Kishidou Club! THAT MANGA HAVE A SWEET ENDING. XD

Mum got me Dragon Age: Origins! Haha. It's my second rated M18 game. Can't wait for Heavy Rain and White Knight Chronicles! I think I'll hold on buying Cross Edge. Can't stand another grinding game like Disgaea for now.
But now, I still wanna play Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep! ):
Labels: Pictures
A Hidamari Story.
@ 12:06 AM
I kinda like the idea of an anime, changing the ending scene [Not song], in a few episodes time. Nice going SHAFT! This time, Hidamari Sketch X Hoshimittsu have it's 3rd different ending at episode 4!

Once upon a time, everyone lived in their cold, cold, world.

Two by two, they lived beside each other.

Looking at...

The glowing sakura tree.


and Nazuna...

Are alone in their worlds respectively.

One day, spring came.

The walls in everyone's world,


They never felt so happy before,

They met each other.
They lived happy ever after, together.
Lol. What a bad story I thought of in 5 minutes ): But nevertheless I love this anime. NUTBLADDERS D:
Labels: Anime