New Year Resolutions
Wednesday, December 30, 2009 @ 12:01 AM
Gonna post my new year resolutions soon! (:
And to see how many resolutions I made for this year, have been achieved. But first, I gotta clean up my table ): The mountain of books and notes haha.
Labels: Daily Rants
One more time, one more chance (:
Monday, December 28, 2009 @ 1:11 AM
これ以上何を失えば 心は許されるの
どれ程の痛みならば もういちど君に会える
One more time 季節よ うつろわないで
One more time ふざけあった 時間よ
くいちがう時はいつも 僕が先に折れたね
わがままな性格が なおさら愛しくさせた
One more chance 記憶に足を取られて
One more chance 次の場所を選べない
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
向いのホーム 路地裏の窓
願いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
できないことは もうなにもない
One more time 季節よ うつろわないで
One more time ふざけあった時間よ
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
交差点でも 夢の中でも
奇跡がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に見せたい
新しい朝 これからの僕
夏の想い出がまわる ふいに消えた鼓動
いつでも捜しているよ どっかに君の姿を
明け方の街 桜木町で
願いがもしも叶うなら 今すぐ君のもとへ
旅先の店 新聞の隅
奇跡がもしも起こるなら 今すぐ君に見せたい
新しい朝 これからの僕
いつでも捜してしまう どっかに君の笑顔を
急行待ちの 踏切あたり
命が繰り返すならば 何度も君のもとへ
欲しいものなど もう何もない
No matter how long I listen to this song, it still brings back the heart wrenching feeling ):
Boo! Sad songs like this never cease to make me feel...sad.
Labels: Daily Rants
Choices, dilema, split paths.
Friday, December 25, 2009 @ 7:48 PM
Stuck with 2 choices. Which one do I choose? Haha. Wait, or act? Methinks I should just wait...but the desire is just so intense! Haha.
Labels: Daily Rants
Lessons learnt, but never put into practice.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009 @ 1:22 AM
"When people start to compare how unfortunate they are, it'll never cease. Because, there isn't a bar, or a scale, that could determine who's more unfortunate."
I finally understood what that phrase meant. You can go ahead and whine about all your losses, but in the end, what you're doing is just wasting your time, whining. Why not use those time, to try and recoup, or move on from whatever misfortune that you've encountered?
I know it's easy to say, but hard to put it into action, but it should be placed into action. I finally understood, and I'm not going to stand at where I am to whine, to complain, to feel depressed. It's really time to move on, and start doing whatever I can, with my best.
Ah, but that's just saying right? It's time to put it into action.
Ah, but who doesn't make mistakes? Everyone does, as no one is perfect. Perfect as it seems, but there'll always be a tint of imperfect in everyone, in some days of their lives.
Mistakes, are portals of discovery, you discover something within yourself, within others, within life.
We all live in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yellow submarine.
Labels: Daily Rants
Monday, December 21, 2009 @ 12:56 AM
Christmas plans is still in the making. Xmas eve I'll be spending with Meiting and Junhui! Christmas...badminton with Xin and Junhui :D
Haha. Anymore plans on xmas night? I don't wanna be at home during a festive season neh! ):
Tomorrow bbq! Yayyyyyy. (:
Labels: Daily Rants
Final Fantasy XIII First Impressions.
Sunday, December 20, 2009 @ 9:27 PM
Well well, after venturing into the world of Final Fantasy XIII for 15 hours...(13 Chapters and I'm already done with 7 WTF?) I'm here to give my first impressions of this game.
Nothing to say. On a SD tv, although the words ARE SMALL, the graphics are DAMN NICE. Better than those shown on the movie, dammit! Makes me want HDTV. But nope. Ain't getting one. (:

See the pretty Vanille? :D She ran into the rain, just to hide her tears. ): -emo-
With my limited knowledge of Japanese (On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd only be on 2 >_>"), I actually understand a little of the story. In the world of Pulse, There's a floating utopia called Cocoon. The people residing in Cocoon, fears Pulse from what they heard, and those who are infected with something from pulse, will be exiled from Cocoon and into Pulse.
The story begins, with Vanille narrating about what happened in 13 days, that would cause the destruction of the world. Lightning, Snow and Sazh happened to enter an area to save Serah, who is in a ancient relic. During the rescue process, they met with Vanille who is bringing Hope along to find Snow.
They battled a machine, and they was chosen by the Fal'cie to become I'cie, to complete a mission. They'd have to go against the world, to complete their mission.
Compared to the previous Final Fantasy installments, although there are similarities in characteristics, but it's kinda different. Here's my deduction of their characteristic:
Lightning - Woman with little words, rarely showing her emotion, but she has troubles deep within her.
Snow - Cheerful, always wanting to be the "hero" that comes to rescue everyone.
Hope - Unexpectedly, he isn't like kids from any games. He hates Snow because he thought that he is the cause of his mother's death, and he wanted to kill him at one point!
Vanille - She looks cheerful, but she has tons of secrets within her. She felt guilty of Sazh's son turning into an I'cie. [I think she's the one who turned him into an I'cie.]
(I totally like the part where she wants to sleep, and ask Sazh not to cross the line. In the end, she went to sleep beside him. LOL-ness!)
Sazh - Comic relief. Seriously! Haha. I totally like the part where he's always talking to the little chocobo. Utterly cutteee and funny!
Fang - Seems to be the mature one in the group.
The emotions showed in this installment, is better than all previous installments. The anger, sadness, happiness, are really portrayed make me feel for them. *touched* the only game that could make me feel like that, would be Shadow Hearts 2. This is the second game that made me feel like that.
Battle System:
The battle system is worth praising. You traverse on the map, in order to engage into battle, you have to touch the enemies. After entering the battle, each player automatically fill a role, and you'll be thrust into an ATB battle mode.
There are 6 roles:
Attacker - Delivers raw physical attack.
Blaster - Black mage, that have skills to increase the chain gauge.
Defender - Attract enemies attention, with skills to defend from their attacks.
Enhancer - Boosts your party with buffing skills like Shell, Protect, Faith, Bravery.
Jammer - Opposite of what an Enhancer is. Poison, Slow, it's the debuff job.
Healer - As the name says, a white mage. Cures status and heal party.
So, what if you want your attacker to be a blaster? Can you change only their role? No, and yes. Why no? Because, once you change a role, you have to change ALL your party roles at the same time. That's the new system they introduced, Paradigm Shift.
You get to fill out 6 pre-set roles in the main menu, and you get to change them during battle by pressing L1. Need to heal and attack at the same time? Set the roles to Attacker, Blaster, and Healer. You can actually mix and match! So, this is the battle system way of giving you the choice of what you want a character role to be.
Additionally, due to the fast battle system, the menu have an auto select option. The game will automatically help you select what moves to use. Trust me, you'll use this very often.
They also introduced a tactical point system to prevent abusing of summons and powerful skills. Tactical Points are used to use special skills such as Libra, Summon and Quake.
Summons are re-introduced as Ediolons (The name used for summons in FF9). Each character will get one summon at some point of the story. You don't just waltz in and get a summon this time round. To get the summons, you have to BATTLE them!
During the battle, there is a countdown timer. You must fill the summon's gauge before the time ends, to change them into driving mode to obtain them. It's tough, I died 3 times while fighting Odin T_T
Summons are effective in battle, and costs 3 Tactical Points to use. After summoning them, they can be your ally in battle and fight with you, or you could change them into vehicles and use their special skills. They're powerful, save me from many boss battles.
Toughness of the game:
On a scale of 1 to 10, I'll rate 8. Boss battles need serious planning this time, and trust me. You'll be fighting boss with 300k HP, lvl 55, when you're just 15hours into game. LOL. And, different from all other Final Fantasy series, when the leader you're controlling dies, it's game over. Furthermore, the leader is not chosen by you. It's chosen by...the game. Until chapter 7, Which leader the game shoves to me, I can't change at all T_T
Is it worth playing?:
Yes. Definitely. Although I've seen people claiming that the map is too linear (I agree), no towns (yeah, you get to only battle in them), shops became save points (yes, both shops and save points are incorporated together), I still find it fun! It's the storyline and battle system that keeps me going.
One must remember that if either the story or the battle system fails, it's a failure for that game. But so far, both are keeping me very satisfied. So, I'll continue on and give a proper review the time where I complete the game. Which is soon, I suppose. Maybe mid-January, or end of year. Which is near.
Labels: Reviews and Experiences
Friday, December 18, 2009 @ 10:33 PM
It's scary, but I got to laugh just to keep myself going.
Labels: Daily Rants
Final Fantasy 13 Bundle Get! (:
Thursday, December 17, 2009 @ 10:39 PM
I received a call at about 1pm, telling me that the FF13 Lightning Edition PS3 Bundle has arrived! So I went to collect it! (: With a fever of course. When I reached home, the fever rose to 38.1 degree Celsius.
Pictures of the bundle. I haven't connected the PS3 to the TV yet. Tomorrow, I think.

The bag accompanied me 4 hours before I reached home.

Front of the bundle. Nice Lightning riding on Odin!

Back of the bundle. Largest pictures featuring Snow and Lightning. Where's my Serah and Hope?!

Different from the jap cover, Lightning is holographic!

The back of the pictures are totally holographic. (:

Oooooh lala. My Lightning!

Double the Lightning, double the love. :D
Alright, gonna head to bed. Tomorrow I gotta try my FF13! (:
Labels: Daily Rants, Games
Saturday, December 12, 2009 @ 6:38 PM
Doing secret santa set now...which I'm stuck at...I chose to make a set with Org XIII in it, which should be easy since it also includes Axel and Roxas...but I just couldn't find the perfect picture! And it's due before Xmas Eve! How how howwwwww.
5 more days to FFXIII -The oasis in my desert.-

I think my photoshopping skills has deteriorated.
Labels: Daily Rants
Friday, December 11, 2009 @ 1:06 AM
Planning for xmas event! (: Wonder will everyone be free for maybe a dinner on xmas eve or xmas day?
Proud singletons! PLEASE BE FREE! :) Haha!
They say, bad things happen for a reason.
Labels: Daily Rants
Ragequit! D:
Thursday, December 10, 2009 @ 2:09 AM
Just went to catch Couples Retreat with ben and junhui, and 2 hours later my mountain bike was being stolen. Wtf. I shall curse that person who stole my bike, that he'd wish that he'd be better off dead. (:
It's only 4 days old you know! Went home, and cried. Sigh.
Only comforting thing that happened later is that...
I told my mum I've saved enough for...the FF13 PS3 bundle. (:
250GB :D YAYYYYYY. Best xmas evah! Sigh. I'm getting sleepless over the bike though...
My life is changing everyday, in every possible way.
My dreams, it's never quiet as it seems, never quiet as it seems.
Labels: ARGH, Emo Me
Bokura ga Ita! *^^*
Tuesday, December 08, 2009 @ 9:35 PM
Yay! Apparently Bokura ga Ita mangaka decided to continue drawing after so many years? :D
I remembered chapter 51 ended at a pretty stupid cliffhanger. Chapter 52 is such a...disappointment! Apparently the mangaka decided to be cruel and let Yano reject Nana! :<

Someday, everything will just turn into memories. Argh. Why must chapter 52 end like that! Okay! 3 more chapters and I'll have to wait again to find out what's happening. ): Me hates Yano so much now ): How could he treat a girl who have been waiting for him for 7 years like that! And he is co-habiting with that bitch now! Humph!
Labels: Daily Rants
Monday, December 07, 2009 @ 12:43 AM
T_T I remembered my reality deadlines but I totally forgot about the virtual deadlines.
I have to select a aarin secret santa job to do...and I have 4 overdue signatures that hasn't been done yet.
And most importantly, I forgot how to do photoshop stuffs >_>"
Good gracious. What should I do now? >.<
Labels: Daily Rants
Nyan Koi : Episode 9.
Friday, December 04, 2009 @ 12:39 AM

Welcome to the "How Do You Determine Breast Size Class".
Nyan Koi Episode 9, is totally a fan-service episode for the first half of this anime. Haha. I'd call it the boobies episode :D

No to boobies only episode! Where's the facking storyline??!

Who cares about the damn facking storyline! Just gave meh BOOBIES!
Junpei is such a freaking...guy. Who tasted heaven on that episode, and...has a harem ): Me wants harem too! Why all the anime I'm watching...those guys have a harem! T_T
Haha. Whenever I play dating games, I always head for the harem ending...LAST LA. I'd go for the character I want!
Okay, time for the boobies scene! I decided to leave out Nagi because she doesn't need boobs at all! She loves touching boobies. :D It's funny seeing Kanako getting her boobs touched by Nagi every episode! *^^*

Is it it! It's silicon! :D

Every harem anime always have girls in swimsuit for one episode. (:
Me wants some of the booby grabbing too Junpei! ):
Yeah. Can't wait for episode 10. I wonder would Junpei go for Kanako instead! Sigh. I prefer Kanako. Loving Junpei while knowing knows he is not interested in her. Respect!
Labels: Anime
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves Impressions.
@ 12:18 AM
This is a impression of the game, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, after completing the game.
First impressions: I've see tons of people claiming this game is totally fun when it came out. Being the dubious type, I decided to hold my breath in buying this game. Partially it's also because of the lack of funds to buy games.
So, one day, my mum agreed to buy this game for me. I sat down, inserted the game into my PS3, and then, I started to play. I was amazed by the scenery, and the mechanics of this game.
Firstly, I rarely play any games that involve warfare/guns/bombs. I remembered, the last game I played that involved modern warfare weapons would be...Metal Gear Solid 4.
So, after completing this game, I decided to give a quick review about it, separating into different sections.
Graphics: If you love scenery of towns being torn by war, snowy mountains, places of ancient civilization, this game is for you. The scenery is damn nice even playing it on my TV, which isn't HD at all.
How I longed for a HD TV. So, I'd think that it'd look pretty much better on a HD TV.
Sounds: I didn't really notice that there's any music at all except for some fights. Somehow, I particularly like the music just before the final battle. Oh yeah. if they had that music on for every battle, it'd be great.
Gameplay: There's only one game that I could say the battle mechanics is quite similar. Counterstrike. But without shopping for weapons and bombs, you get weapons on bombs from the ground. It's kind of amazing that you can find weapons in ancient civilization areas too!
Replayability: There's multiplayer version, which I haven't tried yet, because I just completed the game. And there's 5 modes to play on, from Very Easy to Crushing mode. Find that Hard is actually darn easy? Try crushing mode! For a beginner in such games, I actually completed the game in easy mode. I've decided to play in normal mode, followed by hard, and then crushing mode. Just for the platinum trophy.
Conclusion: Uncharted 2 is actually a pretty good game to play, but the chapters are short. I could complete the game in actually 2 weeks with some days not playing at all. In total, there's 26 chapters, but it could be completed in such a small amount of time.
If it weren't for the trophy and multiplayer, I'd think the game is way too short. Maybe it's because I'm used to playing Role-Playing games, that's why I'd find it to be short.
Storyline wise, it's kind of like Indiana Jones, finding treasures, and killing baddies, with some romance inputted into it.
Overall, it's a short game, but I kinda like it. So I'd recommend it to people! Those who seriously love counterstrike should try this game. Seriously.
I'll rate it a 8/10, because of some shortcomings such as...each chapters are kinda short, and there's rarely any music at all, which keeps it hard to play ):
Labels: Reviews and Experiences
Kimi ga Irukawa
Tuesday, December 01, 2009 @ 5:13 PM
Whoever have this song, sung by Sugasawa Sayuri...send meee T_T
Haha. I regretted watching FFXIII's trailer. Now I'm desiring it >_>" Kyaaa >_< The english dubs is kinda good!
Should I just buy the jap version?!?! Haha. I thnk I'll wait while savouring the trailer. I kinda like some characters design in there...
Hope and Sarah! (: (: all I need is an HD TV ): Maybe I should try playing lottery once.
Some speech from FFXIII:
「When I couldn't see a future and I was afraid. When the future was clear, and it hurt to see, I just close my eyes, and lose myself in happier days.」
「I thought by changing my name, I could change who I was. But, you just can't run away from yourself.」
「You think you die, and everything will be sugar and rainbows?」 ~> Best phrase ever! ☆
Shopping List
@ 4:43 PM
Well it's time for a shopping list till March >_> Just a random calculation on how many games would strike my interests by then.
[Those in italics are my must-gets.]
Cross Edge [Still waiting for the price to drop.]
Resonance of Fate/End of EternityBayonettaStar Ocean: The Last Hope International Version. [I hope it seriously won't come down to this.]
Demon Souls [Most likely not buying until price reaches $60?]
White Knight Chronicles
Final Fantasy XIIIDead Rising 2
Ace Attorney Investigations : Miles Edgeworth
Ragnarok Online
Pokemon Soul Silver
Pokemon Heart Gold
Kingdom Hearts : Birth By Sleep
Kya. >< Time to save.
Labels: Daily Rants