When there's no more sparkles, only gloomy skies in life.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009 @ 8:31 PM
Today's little life snippet:
Sometimes I just want peace and quiet, yet there's none.
Whenever I do not want someone to disturb me, it just happens.
Why, does my life seemed to go bad everytime when I want it to be good?~~~~
Everything in life seems to go downhill today. The sparkles went missing. Toradora, Marimite, Asu no Yoichi...all three have ended. There's no more anime to watch. Life is boring...as if it isn't bad enough...
最美丽的第七天 and 主妇的假期 is also ending! GOD. No more dorama.
To makes thing worse...the house turned noisy again. Arguments, harsh words being shouted again each other. It's like a sanctuary turning into a battleground in an instant.
All I want is some peace and quiet, yet I never seem to get any of it in this home. Makes me wonder, how nice it is if I'm living alone. With nothing, but a good dog as a companion.
Lonely? Nah.
Peaceful? Yes.
Labels: Daily Rants
Confessions of A Shopaholic.
Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 1:08 AM

Today's little quote:
Quoted from the movie, "Confessions of A Shopaholic" :
When I enter a shop, it's so beautiful. I get a happy feeling whenever I buy something. Yet, the sparkle disappears soon after...and I need to buy more.~~~~
What's the lesson learnt after watching that movie? Swipe your cards wisely. It's a movie that teaches us, it's no use avoiding, living in a world of lies, treating your debt collector as a "stalker".
In the end, how long can you hide? How long can you avoid? In the end, you'll still have to face reality. The piles of debts that you have to clear.
It is the same logic with life. How long can one hide from someone, avoid problems, never ever facing it again? At the end of the day, everything still comes crashing back.
Every single thing.
Okay. Drifted off. Back to topic. It's worth it to watch this movie. Definitely. Although it's a little off from the story, I suppose.
Sigh. Facing reality. On a good note, I've decided to buy Skip Beat! manga. (: I think I'm a shopaholic in the books and games dept. =p
Labels: Daily Rants
Have a break.
Friday, March 27, 2009 @ 5:21 PM

Taking a break. Throwing everything away, not caring about anything at all. I just want to relax both my body and mind now. I feel so tired. Of everything. The daily mundane stuffs, the irritating and annoying matters that keep on resounding in my mind.
I just want to shut everything off and enjoy myself for these few days. Sigh. Makes me wonder why being human is so tiring. Lol.
Labels: ARGH
Toradora! ):
Thursday, March 26, 2009 @ 6:03 PM
Little quote of the day:
From Toradora:
There's something in this world that no one has seen before.
It is gentle, and sweet. Maybe, if it could be seen...
Everyone would fight over it. That's why no one has ever seen it.
The world hid it so that no one could get their hands on it easily.
However, someday someone would find it.~~~~
It's quite a satisfying ending. God. I'll post screenies later.
Labels: Anime
What do I do when I'm waiting.
@ 4:13 PM
Today's little thought:
The irony. When I desire time to slow down, it goes faster.
Yet when I desire time to go faster, it feels like forever to make time to pass.~~~~
Toradora! Final episode is out. I can't wait to see how
it will end up. All the loose ends they have to cover. But, time sure seems to slow down for me. Therefore, what do I do?
Search for weird programs in my laptop. And I found a use for the built-in camera in my laptop.

So...I took a picture. Haha. So funny. I look so...so...disheveled in that picture hahahahahaha. Okay the torrent speed is too slow. Argh. I wanna see how it ends!!!!
Oh. After this, marimite S4 is also ending. Shucks. No more anime to watch already!
Wait. I still have Kuroshitsuji, Akikan, Asu no Yoichi, Hetalia, Zoku Natsume Yuujinchou.
But...I feel like giving up on all 5. Hahaha. Been watching marimite S1-S3.
Gokigenyou! ^^

99:99:99 till Toradora! 25. wtfwtfwtf.
Labels: Daily Rants
In the midst of a multi-tasking lifestyle.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 @ 10:37 PM
Today's little thought:
Sometimes all it needs is just a little push, and all the things would be done.~~~~
Sometimes it makes me wonder. Why is Singapore
moving so fast? You see people walking as if they're running, walking down escalators when they're already moving automatically, not stopping even for a second.
In such a fast paced lifestyle, multi-tasking is essential. Yet in the midst of such multi-tasking lifestyle, finding sufficient entertainment is just like trying to find a 50 dollar note on the floor.
Being the looking busy me[lazy to be exact, but let me look busy okay!], I'm lazy to even flip the on switch on my psp. Let alone turning on the TV, just to play my Star Ocean: The Last Hope [Which is rotting in the machine for a week.]
So what do I do, while multi-tasking? This.

I play games on my newly downloaded NDS emulator. See! I'm playing Professor Layton and the Curious Village now. (:
Ahh, the luxury of playing console games on the laptop. ^^
Labels: Daily Rants
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 @ 2:37 AM
I just realised there's so many things to be done.
1.Fill in forms for resuming my course of study.
2.Applying for Basic Theory Test for my Driving License.
3.Doing 4 request in aarinfantasy.
4.Resuming the cleaning of the messy cupboard I've left untouched since CNY.
5.Clearing files to get more space in laptop.6.Revision of 2.1 stuffs.
...goodness. Why did I pile up so much things for me to do.
I've realised. I have to change my habit of saying "anything". It sounds so ambiguous.
Alone on an empty stage.
The curtains fall, and it closed down my dreams.
Below the stage, is just a cacophony of silence.
Beyond the stage, there is nothing, but darkness.
Is this what it feels like, to be the ghost of a theater?
Tomorrow, is just like yesterday.
Time seems to stop, in this theater.
Labels: Daily Rants
@ 1:02 AM
Today's little thought:
You run, yet you want to be caught.
One day, you'll find yourself running, with no one chasing you.~~~~
Short StorySpring:
It is spring, the season of which signals a new start. New meetings, new people. The weather is slightly cold, yet warm at times. Everyone in the campus is friendly, and my roommate Josh is so friendly! It's been a few days since I've come to this country. How are you over at Singapore? I'm sorry that I had to leave you behind to further my studies. I promise I'll call you, and write more to you.
I've just received your email! I'm glad you enjoyed over there baby! I'm fine here, I understand your situation. It's good that you've planned your future. Don't worry! I've Mello here! We've been shopping too much recently that I've emptied this month budget. Don't worry about me too much, and enjoy your time there!
Summer. It's hell over here! How I wished that it'd be over soon. Studying under such weather, makes it much tougher. I've heard about what happened to your grandmother. Why didn't you tell me! I know you loved her so much, and I'm sorry that I couldn't rush down, just to be by your side. I'll be back to Singapore during winter break, and how I wished I could be in Singapore now.
I understand, I really do. I'm sorry for not telling you...
Honey, we've been talking less and less recently. I know LDR is tough, but I hope that we could pull through this. I'll be back in 3 months time, I hope that you'd wait for me.
-You've no new messages.-
I came back, full of expectations, and worries. It's been a year since I came back to this country. I've see my family, my friends, yet I didn't hear about any news from you.
Where did you go? Is this the punishment for me? For not being by your side when you need me, for not being to be with you everyday, like you wanted? Is this how it is supposed to end?
I didn't know, silent breakups is that painful. While walking in the street, I saw you, with another guy...walking happily. It pains me to see this, I had a sudden urge of running over to confront you. I clenched my fist as hard as I could, and I realised.
"It's no use."You've moved on, without telling me. How sly can that be? Even a simple message "Let's break up." Would be sufficient. Yet, you've done nothing. No messages.
And it has dawned on me. Maybe my position in your heart, is not as important as I've thought.
Labels: Personal Opinions/Stories/Poems
Mana Khemia : Student Alliance.
Sunday, March 22, 2009 @ 7:04 PM

Playing it now. This game looks cute. :3 Love the cat.
I'm thinking of saving up for a DS game. Should I save up for Professor Layton and the Curious Village [Puzzle game], or Suikoden? [RPG]

Brainteaser, or RPG?! AHHHHH.
Labels: Games
@ 2:46 AM
Today's little one-two-three:
Sometime all it takes is just a view, to feel nostalgic, to feel memories coming back in a series of waves.~~~~
Went out with my parents today. While dad drove mum to Havelock Road, the place where I spent 15 years in, the place where I haven't went back to in 3 years. Series of emotions came welling up.
Looking at the buildings, the shophouses the people, the market...tons of memories came back.
Memories of playing with my friends there, memories of waking up at 7am just to go to the market to have breakfast, the delicious roti prata, soya bean drink, grass jelly, meepok with a lil bit of tomato sauce.
The days of playing catching, be it in void decks, or playgrounds, how we cycled around the neighborhood with no fear, how we always spent our time exploring Tiong Bahru.
Going to the Community Centre every sunday 9.30pm just to catch a show together, playing basketball, soccer, buying icicle pop from the nearby Mamak store. [It's still there! After all these years.] The arguments, the friendship, the feelings. It just feels like, everything just happened yesterday. Nostalgia.
The place where I hadn't been to for 3 years. It changed drastically though. Yet to me, it just felt like home. Nothing hadn't changed at all.
Suddenly I felt this. "I must go back at least once. Be it just walking around, taking pictures of the neighborhood that I've lived in. I'll go back one day, to relieve everything I've felt for all these years.
Everything over there, just felt so...refreshing and happy.
It just feels so weird, even though watching those buildings while sitting in a car, it just feels like I've went into a trip down memory lane.
Forgetting all these in the midst of studies, living my life and everything else, it just feels so wrong now. I've realised. Some things just can't be forgotten, and shouldn't be forgotten.
Tiong Bahru, my childhood place...I'll go back one day. Eventually.
I actually read an article. For studying in America [Mind you, AMRECIA!], Course fees:
Business/Finance: $13,000 SGD - $20,000 SGD/year
Courses that have laboratory work: $30,000/year
$60,000/yearGoodness. When I saw the figure, I went...omg.
Living expenses is $320 SGD/week. WEEK MIND YOU. NOT MONTHS. And now I'm determined to get into a local university. America is so scary. Living costs so high, tution fees also high.
No wonder people say,
rich kids have the best education. [Don't take this phrase into heart. And anger yourself. Just my honest opinion.] Pfft. Because, no matter how smart one person is, if you do not have
the money, [Okay I know there's scholarships, but how many people get that per year?] you can't get many options in where you can study in.
But recently I've heard something that makes good sense.
Being smart in your studies, doesn't mean that you'll go far in your future.Haha. But I'll definitely study well. Get into the local university. If not, I don't think I can afford overseas studies anyways. Sigh.
I just wished that my parents would strike lottery or toto soon. LOL.
Labels: Daily Rants
Over the Rainbow.
Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 2:09 AM
Today's little phrase:
Dream like you've never dream before, live life like it is going to end.~~~~
The only song that I can always remember from my childhood would be this song.
Over the Rainbow. I remember, the first time I hear this song would be...when I'm watching the black and white version of Wizard of Oz. Ah, it sure brings back memories. Dorothy, the brick road, wicked witch of the west. I still remember the "knock your shoes" thing!
It just takes a song, to bring back certain sweet, innocent, memories.
Watched Legend of Chun Li today. Well...at least I get to see the buns on Chun Li's head. It isn't that exciting, therefore I'd bet that Dragonball Evolution have tons of more action scenes than this movie.

^^ The card featured today is...The Hanged Man~
The point of view of this card would be: [Resource: Wikipedia]
Sacrifice -----
Letting go ----- Surrendering -----
PassivitySuspension -----
Acceptance ----- Renunciation ----- Patience
New point of view ----- Contemplation ----- Inner harmony
Conformism ----- Nonaction -----
Waiting -----
Giving upThose in bold, is what I'm doing now.
^^ In order to get something, something else must be sacrificed.
This, is the way of life.
It makes me realise, sometimes keeping quiet about stuffs, would be the good way in solving things. A single word would spark off the normal argument. Not that blaming anyone in the household would solve everything.
Yet...if this continues, I wonder, would I even be able to
stand a single minute inside this house?
Seriously, I'm tired. Real tired. Mentally and physically..
and the dreams that you dare to dream, they really really come true.If it does come true, I'd be so happy.Labels: Daily Rants
Sights, View, Future, Pathways?
Thursday, March 19, 2009 @ 12:48 AM
Today's little thoughts:
Have you ever thought about, the future that you are paving to, is the future that you really wanted?~~~~
Well, watched Departures today, and let's just say, I have some thoughts about my life, and had a serious thought.
Life really is just a series of split pathways. Yet, there is only one starting point, and ending point.
Is this really the life I wanted? I don't know. Yet, I only have one certain dream.
In my lifetime, I'd like to travel to the places I want.Recently I actually liked a song by The Jonas Brothers wth.
Lovebug~ ^^ Damn nice~
Labels: Daily Rants
Monday, March 16, 2009 @ 3:30 PM

I didn't expect my blog post to pop up. >_>"
Labels: Daily Rants
How I Spent My Day. >_>"
@ 1:31 AM
Today's little quote:
The future beyond control.
The insecurity, the doubts, the feelings beyond reach, the dreams that can't be realised, the self that can't throw everything away, and the days that won't give answers.Yet, I still have to march forward.The irony. Children wants to grow up soon, yet adults wish to go back to their childhood.~~~~
While having fever, this is how I spent my day. Watched Honey and Clover. 24 episodes.
It's...refreshing. Because I'm just lying in my bed and watching.
Oh. I also did some photoshop. That's all. Ah, the luxury. How I missed it.

My kingdom, my rules. This is the first thing I thought about this picture.
Labels: Daily Rants
Bad Luck.
Sunday, March 15, 2009 @ 1:23 PM
Had a fever. Currently 38 degrees. Goodness.
Going to sleep.
Labels: ARGH
Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 7:58 PM
Today's little knock-me-up:
Quoted from Minorin~! in Toradora ep23:
My happiness can only be made with my own hands. My happiness doesn't depend on anyone but me.~~~~
Sigh. Toradora ep 23 is stuck
in a cliffhanger again.

Minorin finally snapped.

The airhead became...crazed.

And forces Taiga to reveal her true feelings.


and Ami blocks the entrance of the classroom. Smart.

Floor plans in bird-eye view~

Taiga still resists. Whatt theee hack.

Finally! She reveals that she wants Minorin to get her happiness.

Minorin says that nobody can give her happiness. She have to decide and fight for her happiness herself.

And yes, it ended with Ryuuji deciding what he should do...by asking me to watch the next episode wtf.
Shit. Sore throat. I'm scared.
Some Honey and Clover episodes:
Some HnC Season 2 Episodes:
Labels: Anime, Daily Rants
Giving up; Holding on.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 @ 4:08 PM
Today's little spaced out corner:
How do you give up in a relationship?Is it done by deciding to give up, and following through it?Or, is it by taking steps away from your true feelings?~~~~
I received major shock yesterday. Went to have a haircut.
Hairdresser: "You want slope, or layer?"
Me: "Slope."
Moments later, okay it isn't short.
Moments again later, omg that's enough.
Moments after that, WTF STOP CUTTING.
Now I look like I'm in Sec 2. Short hair. I can't even see my fringe now.
Labels: Daily Rants
Noise Pollution
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 @ 12:33 PM
I hate it whenever someone near my house is doing some renovation work.
For the period of two days, I've been awakened by the noise of
drilling, causing me to feel so tired.
God. I don't meant to be racist but since my mum told me that the person who just moved in is Indians..
Why do they need to
hang so many drawings causing the renovator to
drill so many holes wtf.
Shiet. If this continues I won't have any ideas in...making the sets in aarinfantasy.
Labels: Daily Rants
Getting my bestest friend in the world.
Monday, March 09, 2009 @ 7:13 PM
I need to get a new best friend. Period.
My current best friend...is not suitable. O, dear best friend, why must you learn to be so bad, and hurt yourself. Although, I know it's my fault that you've cracked that much. Bended that much.
And I couldn't see that far with you now. Sob. You've been with me for 2 years, I really feel bad for changing my best friend again.
So, to those still didn't have any idea of
what I'm talking about, I'm changing my specs. Because the lens have little cracks, and I think my degree have increased. Shiet.
So it's dilemma time again. The darned frames lawl. I tried before frameless, and half-framed glasses.
Makes me wonder, should I try
full-frame glasses? I think I will
look very funny in it. Still deciding. On a good side of note, my mum finally got a handphone...[although it's a hand me down phone], she's using prepaid card now. Finally. I can contact her when she goes out.
Okay. Mum's going to visit my grandma in the hospital, so I'm just going for the ride to Orchard. Wanted to go to the hospital, but my mum forbids me to do so. So I shall pray. (:
Thought it through. My mum is thee best! ^^ As for me, I'll try ^^ muahaha.
Makes me realise. I haven't been emo for these few days. So I'm feeling high. Buhbye, the gawd of emo. All hail to the god of happiness.
I'll be more happy, if I get photoshop CS. Any version will do. Because, Elements is hard to use! I can't use C4D efficiently, I can't use nice effects on text, etc.
*smack* Be happy! GRRR.
Labels: Daily Rants
White Day.
@ 12:11 PM
Today's litte happening:
Quoted from Sarah in SO:TLH...
If you have time feeling regretful, why not use the time to do something meaningful?Feeling regretful would only benefit yourself, but if you use that feeling as a motivation to move forward, wouldn't it benefit more people?~~~~

Seeing this (GAWD I love that Suzaku hairstyle from Code Geass.), I remembered.
I have to shop for a White Day gift.
If the rain could just stop. I need a haircut. My hairstyle is now officially mushroom head style hahaha. Even wax couldn't save me. After 10mins = hair automatically flop down. I hate this!
Because my fringe
always block my vision, and
poke my eyes. Mum's going to the hospital to visit my grandmother later. Hmmmmmm. A little part of me wondered...why. I just couldn't understand. Maybe because it' filial piety?
But is it worth it?
Seesh. I feel like a jerk. Haha.
Labels: Daily Rants
@ 12:57 AM
Today's little happening:
Quoted from SO:TLH Meracle...
Bunnies are big...round...and yummy!~~~~
Playing RE5. Somehow...I still get a little freaked out but I'm still trying to get used to it.
Okay~ That's all for today! Cuzzzzzz. I'm watching Honey and Clover season 1! Managed to dl it muahaha. So....buhbye to the peoplerizo reading this!

Made this today~ Damn I love chibis.
Labels: Daily Rants, Pictures
Freaked Out.
Saturday, March 07, 2009 @ 3:58 AM
Today's little thoughts:
Who's the one to decide, what I do, is right or wrong?What we think that is right, might be wrong in the eyes of others.Therefore, it's hard to justify whether a certain decision made is either, right or wrong.Just like this society, which is a shade of grey, there is nothing such as 100% right or wrong already.~~~~
I've been writing "right" as "wright" for like 5 times in the passage above. I think I've been reading too many Phoenix Wright doujin. >_>"
Went to watch "Push" with Phad on thursday. Bought RE5 also. Star Ocean: The Last Hope Guidebook seems to be "not entering Singapore", even if it does, it'll take
months. [wtf that game can go storage already.]
Push is a nice movie. Damn it. It's a movie full of people with psychic powers. I love shifters the best! *Turns a $500 piece of paper into real cash wtf I would be rich if I had that power.*
So after that, went home. Turned on my laptop. Nightmare appears. My desktop is a pitch black screen. Tried system restore three times and my laptop is saved. OMG I almost cried when my laptop didn't recover after the first system restore.
Saving the laptop, mission accomplished, it's already 4am. >_>"
Woke up, played RE5. FREAKED OUT. After 10 minutes, I played back Star Ocean: The Last Hope *After cowering for awhile* GODDAMNIT.
Went to sleep, so before sleeping I read Shiawase Kisa Sanchoume. (: Nice manga. Almost slept...until I saw...
A cockroach landed on my leg WTF!*smack smack smack smack* And it died. If it's the normal roach I wouldn't be that afraid. It's a roach with white wings? Those haven't fully turned into a roach yet still can fly type.
And here I am, awake and traumatized. Lol.
Next sat going to apply for Basic Theory test for driving. ^^
To those people at
Aarinfantasy, thank you for your support of my Signature set! *bow*
Proud to be a aarinboy! ^^
Drools at my cards *grin*
Just watched the ED of Toradora ep 22. Ryuuji no baka! If he had the courage to tell Taiga that it is not a dream at all. I wonder how would it end?
Labels: Daily Rants
Loud Enough?
Thursday, March 05, 2009 @ 3:29 PM
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 @ 8:39 PM
I plan to do a body checkup + blood test tomorrow.
Just hope that what I had suspected is wrong. I'm afraid, but I've decided to face it head on. I want to know. I must know. But I don't plan to let my parents know yet.
Labels: Daily Rants
I'm Intrigued.
@ 1:43 AM

Okay. I'm being lame. But I'm seriously intrigued about what mt is going to post in her blog. Haha.
That photoshop thing is just a joke. A JOKE OKAY.
Labels: Daily Rants
@ 12:48 AM
Today's little dorama:
Quoted from SO:TLH
Edge: "My Name is Edge Maverick."
Reimi: "I'm Reimi Saionji."
Lymle: "Lym."
Edge: "Lym? Would you rather we call you Lym?"
Lymle: "Edgie. ReiRei."
Faize: "Well, my name is Faize Sheifa Beleth, how about Faizy?"
Lymle: "Lymle. Faize."
Edge: "At least it's not Mr. Beleth or something."
Faize: "I hesitate to agree."
Faize gt pwned hahahaha.
I need the Star Ocean : The Last Hope Guide Book!
Freak. Why does it take so long for a freaking book to reach Singapore.
Kbox is sooooooo fun. Yesh. We got a big room, with just 3 people. Kbox is really damn serious about not having outside drinks in their room. The waitress took away my mineral water bottle. I forgot to get it back from her !@#$.
Mt! You took so many of my unglam pics again.
Enjoyed today kbox session with chan and mt. Woots. YAYYY I'm feeling better~
Dinner at BBQ Chicken. The Beef Patties ain't that nice. Hot Hot Drums is too spicy too! Waiting for mt to upload the pics. Watched Marley and Me with phad. My sight went hazy when Marley died. Saw qj when I came out of the toilet.
*shit* the poster in my room dropped again. Replaced one small corner of it with the Junjou Pencil Board I bought. Seesh. I don't know what to type anymore.
I just hope that I could get the job @ the IT fair. (:
Looking forward to the class gathering.
Booboo. I feel so happy today ^^
I'm going now, 'kay?
Labels: Daily Rants