Growing Up
Monday, August 30, 2010 @ 11:40 AM
It's a process that we have to live with. It's the sign of maturity, maybe?
I guess that's why growing up feels so tough.
I think it's called growing pains. (:
We're extremely shy, and get hurt easily.
That's why, we've built a castle, to look upon others...
from high above...
Labels: Daily Rants
Selfless, or selfish?
Saturday, August 28, 2010 @ 2:01 AM
Sometimes you'd wonder, in certain situations, is it better to be selfish, or is it better to be selfless? Would you rather hurt others in order to get what you want, or should you let others be happy and in the process, you feel hurt?
Seriously, which one is better? There's definitely no answer to that, because sometimes it's better to be selfish, yet sometimes it's better to be selfless.
You always have to make painful decisions that will ultimately decide between hurting someone you love, or hurting yourself.
Sigh. Why does life forces us to make such choices?
Labels: Daily Rants
Friday, August 27, 2010 @ 8:31 PM
I'm anal about stuffs that most people don't concern. ):
I've just realized that whenever I feel sad, I'd like to have some macadamia ice cream.
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The search for something
Sunday, August 22, 2010 @ 9:10 PM
It was then I realized that no matter how upset, how sad, or how mad I just wasn't worth to feel sad or mad about such things.
Because is it worth it when others are enjoying their time while you are that sad/angry/whatever negative emotions?
So...yeah. Happy. (:
V.V.Happy cuz I got my 1.5TB external harddisk. OH YEAH. (:
In our lives, we're always searching for something...
be it love, happiness, money, friends,knowledge...
we get some, we lose some... the end, you'll certainly find the one thing
that you've always wanted in your life. (:
What I've Done Recently
Friday, August 20, 2010 @ 1:45 AM
What I've done recently is just playing, playing and a teenie weenie bit of studying UO1. (:
Went out to try playing LAN (Yes I know it sounds lame but it's my first time playing LAN after a few years...) and tried out L4D2, Killing Floor and Starcraft 2. (btw, marines are awesome.) After that, went to celebrate xin's birthday at hotpot culture. (: Had a great night out, chatted till the shop closes and went home.
Today went out to study, and finished 3 tutorials out of 12 tutorials. ): I will complete all the tutorials next week and den do some past year paper and start my IBM revision already...
Sigh why does the days pass by so fast?!
Okay gonna stop writing and finish HIMYM Season 5 (OMFG I can't believe Robin is with Barney!)

OMFG this picture is so funneh and cool!

I played too much Sengoku Basara...and I like Sasuke :D
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This time it's really reallllllly real! :D
Thursday, August 12, 2010 @ 6:43 PM
Haha. At first I was pretty pissed off, but after a whole lot of smashing with my full strength (god I realized that tomorrow my arm will be v.v. sore though.), and some ipod games, and the chat during the walk + bus ride back...
Pretty much all the negative and bad feelings since April is gone in an instant. (: I guess I can really say that the old me is back, and yes...everything is back to normal. But pretty much I was gloomy until that instant.
So this is a formal apology to those who've put up my idiocy temper for months, and's finally over. all it takes is 4 months of rehab period hahahaha.
Another good news!! I got full marks for my lect quiz 2 for EM2!! :D:D:D
I'm gone from the shadows of the past~~ Whoopedo.
Okay I'm gonna go enjoy my sengoku basara 3 and how I met your motha!!
Labels: Daily Rants
Near Death Experience
Monday, August 09, 2010 @ 10:24 PM
So yeah, had a near death experience yesterday night, which made me realize that life can pretty much end anytime and anywhere. ):
Let's get on with how it happened.
The picture first:
After the whole incident. The fan blade broke and the cover couldn't keep it in. I was practically screaming for help when it happened. Took me a few seconds to reach the switch to turn it off. So after cleaning up the mess and realize that it's a blessing to be safe and sound after such event. Thank you god(:
Got myself a new fan the next day but I still feel a little scared when turning it on. ):
It's National Day, which is also my mum's birthday (Happy Birthday Mum!!), so we headed out to eat and shopped. It's really good to enjoy such moments, which is a little bit of happiness for me! :D
Also finally got this book! Will read it after finish Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks. I think Eat Pray Love is a nice book. (:
Went for a brisk walk(Finally!) and my legs are sore after 45minutes. Now I'm blogging and planning to study ET...for the test tomorrow. =x
Wish me luck! :D
Set me free, leave me be...
I don't want to fall another moment into your gravity.
Labels: Daily Rants
Saturday, August 07, 2010 @ 10:58 PM
Screw ET.
My mood went from...
^^ to :o to :s to >< to ._." to T_T to x_X".
Labels: Daily Rants
King of Anything (:
@ 9:25 PM
ET test in 3 days! And mum's birthday in 2! Haha. Still haven't bought a present...all I've been doing is mugging for ET ):
Just finished making notes for chapter 3, 50% for chapter 4, 30% for chapter 5.
Gonna try to complete all by today, and start reading up tomorrow and monday. Gotta prep for this test! Just gonna rush through these few days and I can relax! :D
You sound so innocent,
all full of good intent.
But is it true? :D
Labels: Daily Rants
Thursday, August 05, 2010 @ 12:55 AM
A few hours later there's a lecture quiz on the most dreaded module ever and I have 2 and a half more topics to go while it's already 1am. >_>"
I wanna sleep but I need to study!! ):
On a happier note, starbucks was flooded when I'm in there studying. gg luh.
Labels: ARGH
Getting used to.
Tuesday, August 03, 2010 @ 1:11 AM
Getting used to something feels very good and comforting, yet there is also this eerie scariness in it.
Let's call that something 'it'. (:
I'm used to having 'it' around me everyday. One day, 'it' vanished. No matter where I go, no matter how high or low I searched, I still couldn't find 'it'. I just couldn't get used to not having 'it' around.
Get what I mean? Getting used to something is always scary.
I'm getting used to being happy. And I want it to last, and I'm scared of it disappearing someday.
Why does one only realize how important something is, when they are at the brink of vanishing?
Labels: Daily Rants
Quickie. (Not the dirty kind.)
Monday, August 02, 2010 @ 3:29 AM
Okay here's a quick update on what's happening on my life, everything and whatnot :D
This is during the last IBM lab, which most people is just lazing around chatting while waiting for their turn. Look how attentive Grace and Pavi are and didn't even realize I'm taking pictures! ;)
Next up it's class gathering with the 4E2's (Only 7! So sad right ):) But had losta fun watching The Sorcerer's Apprentice, chatting and reminiscing about the past and getting updates about what everyone is doing nowadays. This scene is where Pangcheng is wearing...eyeliner.
That sounds weird, isn't it?
And back to school where this scene is funny! Sukchun and Grace is making up a new hairstyle...:D
Annnnd I decided to get a haircut because I'm turning into a mushroom head. I just don't know how my hair manages to turn into a mushroom head whenever I leave it alone for a few months without cutting. >_>" I srsly want to dye my hair to brown but....): Parents don't allow as they said dyeing is harmful to my hair. (BTW. Dead eyes because I'm tired on that day hahaha.)
Yes! I finally got this game! Okay it's so damn fun and I can play 5 hours straight without feeling bored and wants to play more! (but can't cause I have work to do. Boo.) I'll still get the english version when it comes out and don't ask me why :P Because I'm a sucker for animu style + dynasty warriors hack n slash.
So I spent my thursday watching Tekken with phad. (Awesome movie, btw.) Friday was streetdance (Also another awesome movie. But cliche storyline. Can guess where it headed midway through.) Saturdays was family day, sis went for her bestie birthday party chalet for the day so she wasn't there. ):
Best steamboat dinner ever!! It was at Golden Mile Tower, seems very ulu but apparently that store is so popular. The chicken is awesome!! :D Haha dad is bringing us there again soon! So I can't wait for it!! ;)
After that went to giant to get some stuffs. (Decided to change my cleanser and moisturizer to Neutrogena. :D It apparently works. Also got the Garnier caffeine eye massager. Because I tend to have tired eyes in the morning. Might help me pay attention to lectures yeah?
(Just trying to justify my lust for vain.)So it's already monday and there's no school today (yay!), but it's a busy week.
Tuesday: French speaking test. (I am freaking out because of this.)
Thursday: IBM Lecture Quiz. (I need to cram 120-150 slides of stuffs by then.)
After that, it's ET term test on 10th August and OSH lecture quiz on 12th August and I'm free till 6th sept. Not literally free because I still have to study. >_>"
Okay that's all and it's already 4am and I gotta sleep soon so ciao!
P.S Junhui, congrats for finding happiness. (:
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