Thursday, January 31, 2008 @ 12:04 AM
Edited my blog layout...and changed song! Enjoy this song by Colbie Caillat! =x
Take time to realize
That your warmth is
Crashing down on in
Take time to realize
That I am on your side
Didn't I, didn't I tell you
But I can't spell it out for you
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you
If you just realize
What I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, now
Take time to realize
Oh oh, I'm on your side
Didn't I, didn't I tell you
Take time to realize
This all could pass you by
Didn't I tell you.
But I can't spell it out for you
No it's never gonna be that simple
No I can't spell it out for you
If you just realize
What I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
If we missed out on each other, but
It's not the same
No it's never the same
If you don't feel it too
If you meet me half way
If you would meet me half way
It could be the same for you
If you just realize
What I just realized
Then we'd be perfect for each other
And we'll never find another
Just realize
What I just realized
We'd never have to wonder
Just realize
What I just realized
If you just realize
What I just realized
Oh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh
Missed out on each other now
Missed out on each other now-ow-ow-ow
Realize, realize, realize, realize, realize
Ohhh oh
Labels: Daily Rants
Wednesday, January 30, 2008 @ 11:46 PM
Turn turn turn~ wee.
Blacked out twice ^^. The world is spinning like mad~
My bio clock is mad~ Hahaha.
Migranes I think. A drill have been drilling my head for hours. The damn electricity for that drill didn't get cut off. !@#$.
And the darn blogger is weird. Cannot change size font.!@#$.Life sure is tough. Somehow, I do feel like an old man. Maybe I'm old =x
Contact mie thru mie hse phone pl0x. Cause my hp really out of ordah.
I miss my old life. I hate my new life. Haha. But there is no choice~ Life still goes on.
Ja. Signing off. With losta <3. =)
Are euu free on 14th feb my dear? =)
Labels: Daily Rants
Jokes in some sense.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008 @ 10:33 PM
Hilarious or not, it's up to your dear decision! =)
So these two brother go up their log cabin way out in the boonies to do some hunting. As they are walking through the woods, one of the brothers steps on a snake and the snakes reaches up and bites him directly in the crotch!
Immediately he begins to get woozy. His brother quickly picks him up and carries him the ten miles back to the log cabin. Since the are miles from any hospital, he calls a doctor to see if he can do anything for his sickly brother. The doctor asks him what kind of snake it was.
He says:"I don't know. It was about three feet long and was striped yellow and black." The doctor says: "Oh, that's a very poisonous snake. You'll have to suck the posion out or your brother will be dead in half an hour."
So he goes to the room where he left his brother and his brother asks, barely conscious :"What did the doctor say?" And his brother says:"You'll be dead in half an hour."
Another one :
A woman suspects her husband is cheating on her. One day, she dials her home and a strange woman answers. The woman says, " Who is this?" "This is the maid," answered the woman. "We don't have a maid" , said the woman.
The maid says, "I was hired this morning by the man of the house. The woman says, "Well, this is his wife. Is he there?" The maid replied, "he is upstairs in the bedroom with someone who I figured was his wife."
The woman is fuming. she says to the maid, "Listen, would you like to make $50,000?" The maid says, "What will I have to do?" The woman tells her, "I want you to get my gun from the desk, and shoot the jerk and the witch he's with."
The maid puts the phone down; the woman hears footsteps and the gun shots. The maid comes back to the phone, "What do I do with the bodies?"
The woman says, "Throw them in the swimming pool." Puzzled, the maid answers, "But there's no pool here." A long pause and the woman says, "Is this 555-4821?"
Reco by Jason. =x
Now you know why I'm scary. LOL.
@ 9:24 PM
@ 12:30 AM
I ain't backing down without a fight.I shall prevail! And get into a local or oversea uni.Sydney sounds nice. HAHAHA.I rmb hearing that can loan frm govt to go overseas to study in uni.Can anyone confirm this? Thanks =)Labels: Daily Rants
@ 12:04 AM
I've learnt alot. I've gained alot. I've lose alot. I've cried alot of times. I've laughed alot of times. All of this, in the end, is just memories.Life is just a fleeting dream, it comes and goes naturally, untimed, and sudden. =)The eerie feelings inside hosp is scary.-If you just realize, what I've just realised, we'll be perfect for each other.-Gosh I hate my life. I think.Labels: Daily Rants
Thursday, January 24, 2008 @ 11:56 PM
Current Status :
and Screaming.Returned TD notes to sy and she gave me a stack of exam papers that I ordered LOL. Thanks! =) Now can mug like mad while sick hahaha.After that revised TD in whooooosy state (Mind half-clear half-blur)...managed to consume TD chpt 2 in. Tomorrow maybe rest awhile lo...den consume TD ba.Mugged my CSAS2 presentation...actually I thought is light...but in the end....dododo....more like electricity liao. So decided on past versus present on electricity. Didn't go to sch. shit man. So many test to take liao. Sem exams coming soon somemore. Someone please kill me can? LOL.Aniways, while slacking awhile, in my whooooosy state. Went to watch Honey and Clover Live Action. It's quite nice and funny hahaha. Forgot to watch romantic princess. Sigh. *Slap* Still talk about watching shows?! WAKE UP MAN! Hahahaha.Ok...this yr CCSS student's didn't do quite well as what I heard frm phaddie.Grats dang for getting better den what she expected results! Come to TP okkkkkk?! Hahaha.Ok...gonna go slp liao. If not cannot recover die le hahaha.Jaa~-当你什么都不期待的时候,你的人生。。。已经没有意义了。-Labels: Daily Rants
Maturity. (Is there even this word?)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 @ 11:46 PM
Sorry if ppl couldn't access the blog just now, cause I changed the blog add to prevent my dearest sister to read the entries. Haha.Today, I witnessed another love that died. Miserably. With quite a reasonable reason though.It's between one of my fren and a girl.When he told me about it, he said that the reason he told her for breakup is : "We're not compatible in terms of maturity."Well, why would this be so? (Anyways, it's confidential, so no names will be mentioned. Altho she made me thought about this. Haha.)I pestered for the reason for him saying it...and it's all due to materialistic problems. Yes, my fren and that girl age difference is about 6 yrs I think.He said that age isn't a problem. but maturity of the mind is the BIG PROBLEM.That girl wanted him to buy a car to be a chaffeur for her from sch to home. Can you believe it?She wanted him to give her gifts fortnightly. He have to report to her almost every two hours. I wonder is this called...control freak or insecurity. He did shower gifts, but, when he found out that this scenario isn't stopping anytime sooner, and he did talked to her. She said she understood, and he isn't rich also, yet after a few weeks, the same scenario repeated again. Hah. Talk about commitment in agreement.So...after a few months, he realli couldn't take her childish characteristic, therefore they broke up. Haha. I wonder whose fault is it though.But, I'm happy for him. He seems happy to made this choice. Haha.Thanks sy for lending me TD notes. TQTQTQTQ cannot thank you enough! (:Ciao! Oh gawd. I'm not slacking ok! HAHAHAHAHA.GL to those getting their O Levels results tomorrow! =)Labels: Personal Opinions/Stories/Poems
Oh the stuffs on my table =x
Monday, January 21, 2008 @ 9:09 PM

Haha...nice rite! the stacks of stuffs on my table that my mum threatened me to clear. But I dunno how to clear...haha. My room got alot of the first to die in the house is me LOL. Ok slack enuff le...gonna go back revise...jaa~
Labels: Daily Rants I too...
@ 7:37 PM
Stressed? Too relaxed? Too tensed? I really dunno.Today did AM revision, and PIPC2 revision. Just dunno some parts. I'm totally stuck with one topic : TD. OC2 is ok...I think. TD realli can die liao lols.Going to start on CSAS2 presentation le. If still don't do...dunno how to complete it by friday. It's killin me~Got so many things...the things that worries me the most is Jap roleplay. Or should I say...not onli jap roleplay. But the other assignments aso. Haha.Sorry if I neglected anyone, I'll try to make up for it =xPhaddie intro-ed me asking me whether I want to teach ppl phy/chem during sem break anot. Maybe I should consider that?Finally know my sem exams timetable fast can! Hahaha. Going to start revision for all topics le. OMG. I am panicking le. PANIC LEH.Time to refresh my memory. Can I hit the F5 button to refresh? NO!I hope that there's a button to press to refresh my memory haha. If got that function..should be very convenient hahaha.Ok I go revise le~~ ciao babeh!-And no matter what I do, I feel the pain with or without you.-Labels: Daily Rants
I am at the...
@ 9:23 AM
Breaking point of my life.My mum and aunt are almost quarelling everyday. It's getting more and more ridiculous. They could just quarrel just because of a very minor matter. Wonder wth have been happening. Because of this, the whole family is like being in a marsh. Dad's fed up, banging doors to vent his frustration. I've been running out sometimes to study at peace. How can I even study at home with all those shouting?!Great. Tomorrow seeing doc. Maybe have a full body check up is better. I find something wrong with my body I think. The medicine don't work that well. *sigh*Sometimes I do wish that I could own a house of my own, where it's peaceful and quiet all the time.The quarrels is realli !%@#. Getting more nonsensical. Last time is rare for them to quarrel. Now they quarrel like as if it's those drama that plays everyday. Can't they understand that what home means?! Home is a place, a shelter, a sanctuary for everyone. It's like a place where u like to go to, where you look forward to return to.Now home, for me, it's a place where I dreaded staying in, I dreaded going to. Sometimes I just want to stay out for the whole day rather than staying home. But I can't. That's so bummer to me.Hp's batt is dead again. No mood to charge at all. Sigh...breakig down soon with all those stuffs happening.-Nothing is gonna change the things that you said. Nothing turning back right again.-Labels: Daily Rants
I really miss...
Sunday, January 20, 2008 @ 1:05 AM
The library. Haha. Don't laugh. I really do miss the library. Cause I realli nd those reference books. Arghhh.Went out at night to collect my psp frm nz...den study with dear phaddie LOL. Saw hy, wl, xy and leslie. Haha. Told them I was at home...den they spotted me at starbuckos. LOL.So paiseh can hahahahaha. Ok. Finished revising PIPC2. Left AM and TD. Haha. Gonna revise AM tmr. Ciao!-他有每个人都想得到的事物,但是,他没有每个人最基本,最需要的事物。--他,是一国之君,在万人之上。他又财富,后宫的妃子,却缺少了,父母的关怀,兄弟姐妹的坚固的美好关系。他生活在,非常混乱的王宫里。每天都生活在危险当中。-Labels: Daily Rants
Friday, January 18, 2008 @ 9:00 AM
有一个女孩,无法让某人为了她开始奔跑, 也无法让某人为了她停下脚步。那么, 这个女孩将来, 要怎样才能幸福呢?Translation...but dunno translate correct anot damn paiseh...There's a girl, she can't make someone to start running for her sake, or stop running for her sake. What could the girl do to gain happiness in the future?Get new med from doc. Phew. It still hurts.Labels: Daily Rants
Thursday, January 17, 2008 @ 7:45 AM
Totally didn't sleep for 2 days. The stomache is killing me.Yesterday wanted to sleep from 11. Then, I lied on the bed for like...30mins...going into dreamland...TMD stomach pain like mad. Lie...lie...lie...roll...roll...still pain like mad. Decided to sit down and rest.Slept. Woke up by mum at 3am. After that, the pain comes again. Didn't get to sleep mode after that. You could totally see the two dark eyebags under my eyes. =.="Only slept the nxt day at 12pm. Woke up at 8pm. Had a little food. Ate medicine. Slept. Woke up at ard 4am by my dad hp alarm.Only noticed that my hp batt is totally empty. Gomen, ppl if u try to call me and sms me when I nvr reply at all. I'm going to let my phone to go into sleep mode for these few days. My stomach is killing me already.Waiting for the doc to open his bleedin clinic. His medicine don't work. Gonna find him. Ask why. RAWR.-没有人能够阻止时间的流逝。但是,我只希望,我能有多一点时间。来珍惜我周围的东西。-Labels: Daily Rants
Clannad is so damn funny!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 @ 12:05 PM
In episode 11...the starting makes me ROFL already.It goes like this...Kotomi is trying to wake Tomoya up...but since he's sleeping so soundly, she decided to play a lullaby.But...whatever she plays, it came out as screeches. (Meaning her violin skills sucks.)Tomoya woke up.K:Hello, Tomoya.T:Don't "hello" me like that!K:Then...How do you do?T:God, and I was having a nice nap.K:So I played a lullaby.T:I was about to fall into an eternal sleep from the shock!While Kotomi is introducing herself to Tomoya classmates...Tomoya added this comment.T:And her weapon is the violin.T:It takes only 0.2 seconds before sound waves come out from the moment she takes position.T:The number of people she felled is countless.*Kotomi plays the violin*K:I've never felled people with the violin.T:Do you see us on the floor right now? *Whole class is being felled*ROFL! She didn't know her violin skill sucks like mad!The conversation between her and Kyou is aso funny lo...Ko:Hello.Ky:Don't "hello" me!Ko:Bonjour?Ky:No!Ko:Bo-n-jour?Ky:*Pulls hair* Argh why can't I communicate with her!HAHAHAHA. Really. You have to watch to understand why I went ROFL-ing.Literally, I didn't went rolling on the floor.Ok. Today Jap test is ok. AM is only...OK. Since I'm not confident on that paper at all.Statistics is killing me!Jap script done. Left Revision and CSAS2 Presentation slides.Ok, gonna go slp le. Ciao!Labels: Daily Rants
Monday, January 14, 2008 @ 1:14 AM
After doing the script. Didn't do anithing le. Went blogging.Haha. Impromptu speech is so embarassing.The topic I got is. "Will Singaporean youths be more responsible if pornography is allowed in Singapore? What do you think?"=.=" *bang head on table when I see the topic.*Managed to survive 3 mins though.Comments : "Slightly on the monotonous side." "Improve on body language." "Wear much formal clothing next time."Haha. Nice comments~Open house is so...crowded. Saw the mass dance. Haha. So fun!Went home after that.Oh god. 37.4. Please don't raise 0.1 more.Sickening.-The only one who's able to break my heart into pieces is you.-Labels: Daily Rants
@ 12:30 AM
Finally finished the Jap roleplay script. But.- I dunno the title.- I dunno the character names.How do I finish that freaking script den?!Argh.Labels: Daily Rants
Help Needed!
Friday, January 11, 2008 @ 11:36 PM
I remember there's a song sung by two girls, which is a band...that's veri nice! I remember hearing it in a music video on MTV, but I forgot the band name and the song name. I couldn't find it. Sob.So if anione remembers watching a music video where two girls are singing, one sitting in the car playing a guitar, the other sitting in a isolated house beside the car singing. The backgound is uber dark...haha.Please tell me the band name and the song! thx!Labels: Daily Rants
@ 4:40 AM
Nice, can't get to sleep, so doing OC2 tutorial now...yawn.Suddenly found out hp is not in my went to search around the house. Still couldn't find it.Anyone who finds my handphone will be rewarded! As if! LOL.It's been missing since 8pm...I think. Cause I nvr hear my phone ring after that.Last seen : In the living room.How did it went missing?!!Omg.+:时间是可以证明一切的。:+OMG IMPROMPTU SPEECH!Labels: Daily Rants
Feeling Better?
@ 2:14 AM
Well, today felt better, 37.7 degree celsius. Tomorrow there's impromptu speech, so hafta go school even when I'm having fever. Well, the fever did burn some fats outta me. I think. That's a plus point! LOL *trying really hard to be optimistic.*Projects deadline is coming soon, presentation coming soon...everything is falling into place yet I couldn't get enough courage to walk down the path? I wonder why?I'm running away?I said to myself,
Don't run, face whatever that's in front.
But I can't stand up to the harsh reality.
I want to escape.
I want to go over.
I'm contradicting.
Running away brings no benefits.
Yet it's the easy way out.
Tomorrow school starts at 1pm, so I have time to rest somemore.
I'm scared that I'll freak out tomorrow for the speech! As what happened in the previous two speech. *Flashback to Jap Presentation*
Almost fall down. So embarassed can?!
I don't feel like going home to study. Tomorrow might camp at TP till 10pm? Haha. But I wanna watch supernatural on Channel 5!
The 9pm show at Channel 8 is nice! 黄金路!
Re-reading comics, re-reading storybooks..
Can't get to sleep. My favourite radio channel now is...
Hahaha. Their midnight songs is unexpectedly nice. Wonder why.
Watched Ghost Whisperer II just now. Got one song inside super nice! Decided to put it as my blog song while I'm searching for the downloadable version tomorrow. =)
It's by a band called Midnight Hour...the song name is Running Away. [What I feel like now huh.] LOL.
Don’t lie and say that it’s okay
It’s all right if there’s nothing more to say
So I’m running away, I’m leaving this place
Yeah I’m running away, I’m running away
Don’t tell me I’m the one to blame
It’s too late for you to make me stay
No I won’t stay
So I’m running away, I’m leaving this place
Yeah I’m running away, I’m running away
And faster than you can follow me from this lonely place
And farther than you can find me,
I’m leaving, yeah I’m leaving today
And I, I’ll never let you find me
I’m leaving you behind with the past, no I won’t look back
And I, I wanna hear your reasons
I wanna hear you tell me why I should stay
And try, try to understand me
Try to understand what I say, when I say I can’t stay
I, I’m moving on from this place,
I’m leaving and I won’t wait,
I’m running away
I’m running away, I’m leaving this place
Yeah I’m running away, I’m running away
"A picture says a thousand words."
That's what people say.
My picture, there's no words.
It's only filled with.
Labels: Daily Rants
I said...
Thursday, January 10, 2008 @ 11:30 PM
I'll wait.
I won't run.
I won't cry.
I won't neglect.
I won't argue.
I won't fight.
I won't do anything to make you cry.
I will never hurt you.
Yet I did not fulfill most of the things up there.
What a promise broker I am huh. Haha.
Ok. today temp is....*drums roll*
37.7 deg. Better.
But, the headache still don't leave me alone. Now another visitor came. Let's say hi to Mr Sore Throat!
When it comes, accept it. When it goes, let it go. Simple, yet hard to do eh?
-You can use 100 sentences to preach others, yet you can't use that 100 sentences to preach yourself. Life sure is wonderful.-
Labels: Daily Rants
Family! Haha.
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 @ 1:36 AM
Today onli a wee bit better. 37.9 deg celsius. Damn, and I have like, a lect quiz on thurs. Yay.Studied OC and Jap...den found out smth...pen = no ink, correction tape = use finish, pencil lead = gone.Most important thing of the day...(Parents are out. Won't be home till tmr.) So in the end...I did a foolish thing.Walk to ep and buy those stuffs from popular. At night somemore. Which is so cold.Remember a phrase called..."When bad things happens in a ROW."ROW. ROW!GET IT? ROW!!!!!!So when I walked till the Community Centre...The. Sky. Threw. Droplets. On. Me.The rain is small. So I thought it would not rain long.Alas. I'm wrong. The rain rain-ed more heavily. I waited in the community centre for like, 2 hours. 10pm. Closed. Sit at the stairs. Still raining. Rang my parents. They ask me to call my aunt. Phew. She's at home. So she brought me a brolly. Went home. Turmoil. Feel very heavy. Immediately went to bed. Woke up, and blogged.Read an article of a guy, whose parents is rich, but his parents cared about him in the wrong way, which causes him to induce in drug abuse.Hmm, I am born into an average family, which I am contended with, but however, sometimes I do feel that, how well if I was born into a rich family, how well if I have a brother, how well if my parents don't care about me that much, how well if my parents do care about me when I do NEED them.But, no matter how much I think. I thought, "I can't choose which family to born in anyways." Yes. Although my mum is naggy at times, although my dad scolds me at times, althoughs my sister bugs me to hell at times, although I could not buy the things I want at times. This family for me is the best. Why?My mum don't give me stress in my results. She just want me to do my best, what she matters most is health. Although I know that's what she wants. I still went to over-study and strained my body too much, den fall sick. I kinda felt guilty. Since she would worry about me.My sis do bugs me, yet sometimes she does things that makes me feel..ok happy. Haha. Sometimes she use me as a shield somemore, but what I think is, I'm her brother. I should help her when she needs my help. (In certain ways.) She's the first person I received a handmade birthday card from. =)My dad is yes, strict with my studies at times, scolds me if I stayed up late, if I played too much, if I went out for too long, if I came back in wee hours. But why does he do that. Because he CARES about me.Yes, I'm in an average family, and I can't get what I want sometimes, but I do know is that, my mum saves up for both my sis and me. She don't spend alot of money to doll herself up, to enjoy herself. She saves everything for both my sis and me.That's why. I love my family alot, even though sometimes I do complain about stuffs about them. As what people said : "Most people are not contended to their current states. They desire better conditions in their lives."That's why after reading that article, I feel that the family of that guy compared to me, I'm much more fortunate. Even though I do want an unlimited cashflow from my parents. Hopeful thinking? Or hopeless thinking?I do love my family~ what about you?Ok type so long le...gonna get off and eat my medicine and sleep~Ja~=)<3>Labels: Daily Rants
Monday, January 07, 2008 @ 11:19 PM
Saiunkoku monogatari is getting....dark. The plot thickens le~ yipee~Favourite Char in that anime : Ryuuki. He's soooo. FUNNY at times.Ok...did some jap roleplay discussion, decided on goin there to study...lols!Gonna sleep soon...tomorrow hope wun stay at 38 deg celsius le...-Where is the miracle when I need one?-Labels: Daily Rants
@ 10:39 AM
Lalala~ woke up with a degree of 38.0 deg celsius. How nice rite....Dang intro me to a song where I heard a long time ago...She didn't know what the MV meant...oh well...I explained to her, wahaha. And she nvr sae tank you. So nice huh :P (Bcos I teased her hahaha.)The song is Someday by Nickelback. (Brings back memories.)How the hell did we wind up like this?Why weren't we able, to see the signs that we missedAnd try turn the tablesI wish you'd unclench your fists, and unpack your suitcaseLately there's been too much of thisBut don't think it's too lateNothing's wrong, just as long asYou know that someday I willSomeday, somehowI'm gonna make it all right but not right nowI know you're wondering when(You're the only one who knows that)Someday, somehowI'm gonna make it all right but not right nowI know you're wondering whenWell I'd hope that since we're here anywayThat we could end up sayingThings we've always needed to saySo we could end up stayingNow the story's played out like thisJust like a paperback novelLet's rewrite an ending that fitsInstead of a Hollywood horrorNothing's wrong, just as long asYou know that someday I willSomeday, somehowI'm gonna make it all right but not right nowI know you're wondering when(You're the only one who knows that)Someday, somehowI'm gonna make it all right but not right nowI know you're wondering when(You're the only one who knows that)[Solo]How the hell did we wind up like this?Why weren't we able, to see the signs that we missedAnd try to turn the tablesNow the story's played out like thisJust like a paperback novelLet's rewrite an ending that fitsInstead of a Hollywood horrorNothing's wrong, just as long asYou know that someday I willSomeday, somehowI'm gonna make it all right but not right nowI know you're wondering when(You're the only one who knows that)Someday, somehowI'm gonna make it all right but not right nowI know you're wondering when(You're the only one who knows that)I know you're wondering when(You're the only one who knows that)I know you're wondering whenThis song really brings back some stuffs in my head.-Why weren't we able, to see the signs that we missed?- <<>
Ok, gonna go get my medicine, found out that the fever medicine is being totally consumed by yours truly, since yesterday.Labels: Daily Rants
@ 1:30 AM
At this particular time you are feeling the results of extreme stress and you are seeking a 'way out' but you are pushing too hard. Obviously you need peace, tranquillity and contentment. Your temperament is such that you are hoping, unrealistically perhaps, that your desires will shortly be fulfilled (even if at this time you are not quite sure what those true aspirations may be!).
You don't really give in. You follow your beliefs and ideals to the bitter end. You are the personification of stubbornness and whatever may transpire, right or wrong, you refuse to compromise or make concessions.
The situation at this time is one of considerable distress. You feel trapped and you are looking for some way out. You can find solace in the arms of someone who cares so long as there is no long-term emotional involvement.
For some time now your hopes and expectations have been denied and because of this you are becoming withdrawn and introverted. Continual disappointment has manifested itself in you becoming both suspicious and restrained you have become withdrawn from others and have receded more and more into yourself. You seem to have lost your innate enthusiasm and imaginative nature, for fear that you may be carried away by it only to find that you are wasting your time. You are loath to trust people, as in the past your trust has been misplaced. You seem to be keeping yourself cautiously aloof from others. At this moment in time your attitude is to trust nobody - until they can prove themselves to you.
Since in the recent past all of your hopes and aspirations have been denied you, you are now convinced that the future will hold nothing but anxiety so therefore 'why bother?' You would love to get away from it all, to escape from the trials and tribulations of this mundane existence and fall into a peaceful and harmonious relationship, which will protect you from the lack of appreciation and give you the chance to start afresh.
At this time...
Sunday, January 06, 2008 @ 9:22 PM
I updated my blog links.newly added :Wenliang, Chanssy and JenJen. Finally updated after a longlong time.Labels: Daily Rants
@ 6:48 PM
Wanted to start writing small short stories again...remembered I stopped at chapter 2...haha...thinking of how to continue that story...while planning a new one...hope that I can manage...since I'm bored after doing projects some time.Chapter 3 - The Organization of the Past.TBA.New Story.Thought of an ending...and a starting...with a body.Ending : They pareted 5 years, 5 years later...words that came to the girl/guy that she/he came back...but...will they get together? That person came back as...a whole...or? Will they finally get their happy ending?yeah!
@ 5:01 PM

Fever still persists...dunno why de luh...den today slept in semi-concious state until 4pm...omg...can die le...
I'm seeing a beautiful place in my dream~~ maybe I should walk over there...hahaha...
Gomenasai...made u cry...again...I feel so bad now ._.
Projects deadline is drawing near, and I'm sick and not attending school...howhowhow?
Missed alot of lectures and tutorials....cham liao...I think this sem I die liao...GPA dunno how le laaa.
Ok. Finished venting my frustrations. Waiting mum to buy my brunch back...she so good can?
Hahaha. Ok gonna stop crapping, if not all of u sure bored le.
+:My Mochi Story:+
Labels: Daily Rants
Friday, January 04, 2008 @ 11:54 PM

Sick...therfore never go to school for this whole nice year sick liaos...I read some notes...and played my trustable a new game...
MINGOL GOLF PORTABLE 2! Hahaha...the character so kawaii...u can still play with other players using Wi-Fi connection...soooo kewl can?!
(Above is the mentioned pictures of Mingol Golf Portable 2...Wi-Fi tournament! Lols! Cute characters~)Ok...gonna go rest le...if not my stomach will kill mie...nite!Labels: Daily Rants