Wednesday, September 29, 2010 @ 10:53 PM
Okay recently my internet is going bonkers again, so here I am fretting over what the facking hell is the problem, with no solutions. Now downloading speed is at an all time low, can you believe it? ):
I believe that everything happens for a reason, but seriously, what is the reason for this type of sucky thing to happen?
Sigh, I guess I should try to find a solution soon, before school starts again.
"I guess I’m just looking for it again - for the belief I had back in college, the belief I had when I first met Sarah and it all seemed so right. The belief in happy endings. - Gideon"
Labels: Daily Rants
Gyoza, Steamboat, Games!
Sunday, September 26, 2010 @ 1:25 AM
Are skies really blue, or is it just what the eye wants us to see?
Went for the gyoza making session. Okay. I asked a very stupid question.
"How do you dice spring onions?" -.-" I seriously cannot believe I asked that question hahaha.
Then I feel so...eww when mixing the ingredients together...Massaging the ingredients... It feels like squishing some cold, gooey thingy!!
Made some new friends during the session! So I enjoyed that 2 hour period.
Final product. I know it doesn't look appetizing but it taste pretty okay. (:
This is actually boiled, and not pan-fried. Because there's no oil. ): Unless sesame oil counts? Haha. Okay, I added too little shoyu and it doesn't taste salty at all. But very chewy, and with the crunchy cabbage...omg damn nice! The dipping sauce rocks! Made the gyoza v.v. tasty!!
After the session, went to Century Square with Kirara and Zeke to play jubeat. Okay, I finally went and made an E-Amusement card and I think I'll play jubeat more. Damn fun. I love the song Natsu Matsuri!!
Went home after that, and took a little nap while watching Criminal Minds. Female Jack the Ripper. Wow. Then, head out to have a celebratory dinner for my results :D, steamboat and satay again!
Finally got the Gold Edition and Dead Rising 2!!Big hole in the wallet! Haha. After getting these two games today. I want playstation move!! It's like wii and I can exercise with it but it's $99 without any games leh ): I finally decided to get RE5 gold edition, and I can finally play that game after so long...(As xboxie is in the storage room)
Restock :DWent to Kinokuniya also! Sad. Couldn't find the horror novel Shiki...Finally all the busy stuffs is over, and it's time to really seriously enjoy myself! With that, I'll stop here and go watch my Criminal Minds!! I'm finishing season 2 already! :D
Labels: Daily Rants, Pictures
Happy guy
Friday, September 24, 2010 @ 11:36 PM
Yay!! Today got my results in sms! And I'm very, very, very, happy and satisfied with my result. :D Now GPA is 3.66 already ^^
It's a damnnnn fun day today! Went out to meet junhui and xin during noon, went to ehub to reserve a room in kbox, and went for lunch at subway! K-session is one helluva fun! XD
After that, went to meet Xin's lil bro together to have dinner. His bro is really, really, cute and fun! Had swensens for dinner!!
Chatted while waiting for the bus and went home...feeling tired haha. That's why this is just a short post! Tomorrow still have to wake up for the gyoza making session...
Let's see how is my cooking skills...xD
because of all these things,
because of all these events,
because of all these changes...
everything's different. (:
Labels: Daily Rants
Gyoza Making Session :D
@ 1:22 AM
On my way home from TP after paying for the gyoza making session.
I can't believe I signed up for the Gyoza making session on saturday. Guess I'll be cooking after so many years. (: Just hope that I won't screw up badly =x
Haha. (:
I've got little characters running all over my desktop :D
It's a pretty cool program called shimeji! You can have little, chibi like characters running all over your screen, climbing your screen and in addition, kicking your windows if it's small enough! LOL! Dammmmn cute :D
Tomorrow I'm finally going out to have fun!! Kbox :D Whooooo~~~ it's been so long since I went to kbox...
Today is a pretty happy day! I get to watch all the new dramas thanks to Sharlene (:
Okay that's all for today, gonna wake up early tomorrow! And I need time to watch some drama on my phone before sleeping. So shuang can! ^^
Labels: Daily Rants
iPhone 4
Monday, September 20, 2010 @ 11:46 PM
iphone4, ai fone 4, haiiiiii fone 4. Cannot jailbreak yet. ):I got the phone I wanted!! (Stacked above mangas, novels and guide books.) :D Teehee. Now I'm a very very happy man. I loved how glossy and smooth it looks! But I still have to wait for the free casing to be shipped to me from US. 3 weeks! And I need to protect it well for 3 weeks. It's tough, as I can imagine how bad I am when it comes to handling a phone.
Scratches within weeks. Haha. I'm still waiting for my results to be out, according to sources results should be out today, but apparently not. And I was so scared of receiving sms-es throughout the day. ): Panic attack whenever the sms tone rings.
If it's not today, it'll be tomorrow I guess. So I have to stay tensed up for another day. Because I don't wanna relieve the experience of waking up, check your phone and see the results that resulted spending a crappy day.

Pretty much what keeps me from continuing to exercise is well, taking a picture after/in the middle of a run. This is my day #1 photo. (: I'm seriously hoping that this would last!! I wanna go below the three digit weight you know!! :D
Hotpot with mt on wednesday and kbox on friday! (I think?)
Labels: Daily Rants
My life of graphic manipulation. :P
@ 11:23 PM
Well, I decided to clear off some stuffs, and actually managed to find my old works using photoshop. So, I have an idea of trying to compare of past vs present!
Well all of the stuffs are actually...well anime. Because I can't do shit on rl photos. Tell me how! ):
First of the so many I've done... and I realised that it looks pretty bad. ):
Went to this. I think this is a character from rose online I suppose. Was kinda playing the private server of this game. (: Pretty fun :D
And I moved on with fiddling with effects. like motion blur, greyscale, etc.
To brushes, textures, renders and effects in a whole bundle. I kinda like the renders in one corner idea at that time. Until now, I still don't know why.
And to stock image manipulation. I think being someone that's lazy, this is where I settled in. I don't have to do much, yet I can get the effects out. (:
And I did stand still and stuck at that place, holding onto the easy method out. ):
Labels: Daily Rants, Pictures
Friday, September 17, 2010 @ 2:58 AM
I'm so tired but I can't get to sleep at I need to wake up at 6.30am. Die liao lor. ):
Why oh whyyyyyyy ):
We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves.
Labels: Daily Rants
Thursday, September 16, 2010 @ 10:38 PM
Okay practically these few days are boring because there's nothing to do.
Just slacking at home while waiting results to be released on monday.
Can't wait for next friday though!! K-box :D
Oh yeah. Got Way of The Samurai 3 today and Durian Snowskin Mooncake frm Goodwood Park :D
I think I have too many backlogged games to play already:
Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2
Fallout 3 GOTY Edition
Way of The Samurai 3
Dead Rising 2
Kingdom Hearts BBS
Valkyria Chronicles 2
Professor Layton and The Unwound Future.
Let's see how many I can complete in 37 days. :D
Labels: Daily Rants
Defying Gravity
Saturday, September 11, 2010 @ 8:23 PM
Currently at topic 5 only leh. ): Out of 10 topics. Test on Monday somemore!Because we always want to try the impossible, we end up finding it too hard to complete the job.
Because we tend to complicate things, we always forgot that maybe a simpler method is always around.
Why do we always turn a blind eye to things that are helpful to us?
Labels: Daily Rants
Monday, September 06, 2010 @ 1:47 AM
Okay so I'm actually supposed to be studying now but I realised that I seriously need a break!! So here I am blogging instead of studying for exams hehehehehe.
Exams, a phase everyone has to go through in their studies.So, basically I didn't really revise until the last two weeks, and now I'm doing what I usually do during exams, LMC. (Last Minute Cramming).
Apparently it doesn't really work that well because you'd be so tired the next day.
Hey, but what can I say? I deserved it because this is what I did.
What I'm basically doing right now. Fighting spirit is what I need.
Haha. So now I'm basically slaving off reading IBM. I've finished topics 2 and 4, left with 1 and 3 and all the tutorials to memorize, and I'm seriously happy that the paper is during the afternoon and not morning.
Labels: Daily Rants
Lunch and Shopping!
Wednesday, September 01, 2010 @ 12:42 AM
So today after revision I meet up with Junhui for lunch at Swensens (Because there's the 1-for-1 lunch treats on!), and well...we ordered way too much and in the end I was so bloated that I had my dinner at 10pm... >_>"
Scary amount of food for 2 people.This is what we ordered: Swensen's combo platter, Mega burger (Damn I love the bacon, ham, cheese and patty!), Ocean crunch salad (I think?) and Teriyaki Chicken Pasta.
So I was pretty much full after finishing the salad and the patty for the burger...
After that, we shopped around and I want this hoodie from fox!! $39. I find that I looked cool after wearing it. Haha! Then I went home to help my mom do some stuffs and I took a nap.
Went to Kinokuniya after that, dad drove me home so the return trip wasn't that bad. Let me tell you something happened when I'm on the train...uber disgusting!!!
I was reading my IBM notes on the train (Long train rides are always meaningful with something to read.), then this guy sat beside me was looking at his phone intently...so being the curious me I saw what he was reading...skimmed through and I was like OMG.
I saw these few sentences: "she removed my hands from her breast and unbuttoned her shirt...", "I placed my hands on her legs and went into her skirt..." He was apparently reading porn erotica on his phone! (I was thinking, dammit you can read it in the confines of your humble abode, but why here?!)...
And what happened was...ugh. When I was alighting, I looked at that guy and he was sporting an erection!! Dammit that zip area was protruding out! EWWWWW!!
Okay I went shopping after that to forget what happened lol. Bought 6 mangas and 1 guidebook (YES! Fallout 3 GOTY Guidebook!!) :D:D:D
And I also pre-ordered Dead Rising 2 Zombrex Edition. :D So this means September is another month that I have to save money. (:
Summer wars, Skip beat, Amphorism, Aozora Yell, Fallout 3 GOTY edtion guidebook. :D *blissfulness*Labels: Daily Rants