Tagged o.O
Wednesday, November 28, 2007 @ 3:29 PM
LIST OUT THE TOP 5 PRESENTS YOU WISH FOR:1. Lemme see...GPA>3.82. Cross Necklace! Ahaha~3. New Sling Bag4. New Wallet5. Brand New Watch!LIST OUT THE REASONS FOR YOUR CHOICES:1. To get into a local uni ma...must one!2. Oh, I wonder why I wanted it that much too. Maybe I think it looks nice?3. I need a bag suitable to put all notes into it! My current two sling bag durability is waning.4. Wallet is already crumbling, as stated in my last post.5. Taking out my hp to check time at certain situations is kinda difficult.THE PERSON WHO TAGGED YOU IS:Jun Hui!!! Hahahahahaha.MOST MEMORABLE THINGS HE/SHE HAS DONE FOR YOU:Lemme see...emo-ing me when I wanna emo and run to emo-land.MOST LOVED INVENTION (does not need to be technologically advanced):THE ALMIGHTY HANDPHONES! (Although their reception sucks in lifts.)WHAT DO YOU DESPISE THE MOST:Oh. This is uber easy. I know jiu hao. Dunnid tell u LOL.6 persons you wanna tag:1. Dardar2. Roro3. Cheryl4. Zhi Fang5. Dang6. KarilynnHaha so fun!Labels: Daily Rants
Come Undone?
Tuesday, November 27, 2007 @ 11:19 PM
Fever persists as usual...latest temp taken is...let's see...37.9 degree celsius? Haha...just woke up after resting for like 1 hr I suppose...by the TV...how nice of my parents treating me eh? By waking me up using a TV when I'm having a fever lol. Now I can't get to sleep.HP batt is empty...and I'm so darn lazy to charge while the charger is just inches away from me...lol.Oh well...nth much happening recently, and term test is coming yet I'm always sick. What kind of sign is this? LOL.I just hope that she enjoys going out with her fren this thurs...haha...nonononono. I'm not being jealous ok! Lol. Jus kinda bored. Lol. Been shoved with work all day long...Just hope that the work phaddie intro me is still avail...hope that this weekend could earn me money enuff for alot of stuffs. Haha.I really need that cash!I want a new sling bag!FFXII : Revenant Wings is out!PSPISO is down! I can't dl psp games! Bummer. I still own Wei Teck his game LOL.I want a new wallet! The wallet I just bought recently is crumbling.I wanna watch movies!See how important is that weekend job now? Just two days is enough for me to get all that I suppose.AND DUN FORGET THE XMAS CHALET! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.Everything needs money. Haha.Money is the root of all evil.The Mouth is the root of all problems.Someone told me...money can buy love...haha...The reason he gave is : What do you buy for your gf during Valentines Day? (Also known as V.D.)Ans : Chocolate? Flowers? Accessory? You can't go out with them empty handed on V.D.What do you use to buy those things?Ans : Money? Duh.And the girls treat those gifts as a from of love rite?Ans : Yea.And isn't those things bought with money? Doesn't that prove money can buy love?HOW LOGICAL IS THAT MAN LOL.Now here comes...the song I've been listening to recently. Come Undone by Vanessa Carlton! OMG SHE HAVE A NEW ALBUM! I WANT!Lyrics lyrics!I've seen myself in a thousand faces Strung out on life's pathI would add up what you mean to meBut I cannot do the mathAnd this fashionista's garden partyWell I had enough of thatCause the only one I come undone for is youOh the only one I come undone for...I'm a special lover sometimesBut you only touch a ghostI'm a sycophantic courtierWith an elegant repostNeedless to say you're the one that I needThe mostCause the only one I come undone for is youOh the only one I come undoneFor is youThe only one I come undone for is youI know I'm doneAnd now I see the truthI know I'm doneI come undone for youYou've been gone so long,Waiting here for youYou've been gone so long,Come undone for youThere are people in this lifetimeThat we should never meetCause to be here now without you, well,My life's so incompleteI tell you what you mean to me,Maybe then you'll seeCause the only one I come undone for is youOh the only one I come undone for is youThe only one I come undone for is youJaa~ Mata Ne~Labels: Daily Rants
Hop step jump!
Sunday, November 25, 2007 @ 11:30 PM
Steamboattie on 23rd of nov!Unknowingly became karilynn's "nan yong"! LOLZ. (As quoted from her blog.)Hahaha. After that, went home~And, I think this year is kinda sad. Sicksicksicksicksick.Sick of it alr larhs.Hahax. Jap proposal due next week, better start researching soon.Oh well, this term is soooo. Forget it. Lol.Happy belated bdae to Cheryl!And...sad that I couldn't make it to Su Ying's bdae celebration tomorrow. Sigh. Happy Bdae in advance! If you got see this msg =)Sleeping soon. Lol. Cyaz!-Hop, step , jump! Drew Draw Drawn! Cream Syrup Whip! My would be self.- Shugo Chara!Labels: Daily Rants
The Darkness Within.
Thursday, November 22, 2007 @ 1:49 AM
The darkness within me, the evil side...is starting to develop LOL.I've been having alot of negative thoughts than positive thoughts lately. I wonder why lol. Maybe I'm changing? Maybe it's the world that's changing? Everything changes constantly. That's a fact.I do admit that I'm not a good player in the field of romance, and it's part of my fault that I've made you feel insecure, I'm quite glad that we've worked this out..and I shall pay more attention next time. Gomenasai!Argh...jap tomorrow, it's kinda bad, I've not been reading up on jap, and the sentence phrasing is like, killing me.the sentence I find it quite nice to read is..."Sumimasen~" LOL.Oh well, no use worrying too much. Time to buck up and work hard le.-A coin have two sides, so does every human.--There are things that will become tainted over time.-As what people said, the mouth is the root of all misfortune. HAHA.Labels: Daily Rants
Happy Bdae Fang!
@ 1:40 AM
Happy bdae to Fang! (A.K.A Guanie - As said by nehneh.)17 le oh! Jyjy to 18 hahas...Can't wait for steamboat on friday!Labels: Daily Rants
Happi Bdae to nehneh!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 @ 11:00 PM
Happi bdae to dear Karilynn! (A.K.A Nehneh!)
17 ler. Haha. Jy to 18 hor. Den..
18 de nv ren yi duo hua! LOL.
ok gtg.
Labels: Daily Rants
Thursday, November 15, 2007 @ 2:46 AM
Time. I need more time. I need more knowledge. I desire more time for more knowledge. My thirst for knowledge still lingers.God. I need more time to absorb the knowledge the notes and lecturers passed on to me. Argh. I really have to buy textbooks already. It's tiring to borrow from the library. Trust me on that please. Every book is in the bloody RedSpot section. Grr.Ok. Gonna resume my revision for Organic Chemistry 2. Dang it. Lecture Quiz AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH."相爱变成猜忌怀疑的烂游戏,规则是要憋着呼吸越靠越近."Labels: Daily Rants
Well, time is just not enough.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007 @ 2:29 AM
I've got alot of things on, but none is totally completed. I feel suicidal. Argh.Things to be completed by this week:1.TD Tutorial (3 out of 4 questions done.)2.OC Tutorial (Not done.)3.PIPC tutorial (Done if it's tutorial 1-2.)4.Jap revision (Not done. And it's lagging.)This week quiz/test :1.OC Lecture quiz (It's this thursday!)2.PIPC Tutorial quiz (WOW, it's ALSO on THURSDAY!)3.AM Make up tutorial quiz (Please schedule this on friday!!!)Next week quiz/test :1.PIPC Lecture quiz.2.TD Lecture quiz (I think.)3.CSAS Reading Test. (Wow.)The Week After :1.Japanese Research Presentation.In addition, Mr Wallace ask me to do something on DRP. Dang it. I'm realli outta time. Gonna restrict myself to studies for this few weeks till term break. Ahhhhh.How I wished I have Hermonie's device that can go back in time to attend her lessons. I'll use those extra time to study/rest.Labels: Daily Rants
Monday, November 12, 2007 @ 8:22 PM
Firstly, sorry roro for not telling you before I quitted a long long time ago, I know that I should've told you...but now it's too late..and I totally regretted it...sob..
Ahh, sianned. Sick again...den wl told me zy thought I rejected his phone call...but I was actually sleeping...sigh...sorry..
CCN day is coming, and I've not been contributing any help at all. Why is it like thattttttttttttttttttt. Jap presentation is 2 wks later. I haven't prepared anything. There's quizzes this week too. Oh god pls save me from all of these troubles. Why does time pass so fast when you just need time? I wonder.
Argh...WASHI WASHI...dang it...did not know anything abt washi at all...die liao...
I really need 48 hours for one day, and not 24 hours.
Labels: Daily Rants
Friday, November 09, 2007 @ 12:47 AM
Haha...first of all...happy 17th bday to mt!! Although it's belated...hahaha.Had a fun day on wednesday...went to have seoul garden for dinner...had losta "fun" there...and someone showed her veri unglam actions LOL. The fun part is the decoration on someone's face. Will post the pics later...den went to celebrate at the TM stage...cut the cake and sang "Happy Birthday"...and watched the game plan again. But it's still nice and funny to me. After that, went home and slept due to having a very, very, serious headache. Wow.Woke up with a feeling of a drill drilling my head and went to my grandma's house. Did some of the tutorials dere, and den went home, and went to starbucks again to meet phad and sj. Feeling uber tired, so I ordered an espresso farppucino. Ow. Money lost.Haha. Finished some questions on OC and PIPC and done TD pre-lab. Many thanks to SuYing who helped me on the prelab questions. Tqtqtqtq!Okay...so a quick blog, picts is on the weekend...I feel so tired, where is the energy I had? Everything is just crushing on me...ow..I wonder why did she del me off her bud list in game? Hais.There's one thing that I'm not good in. Love. Just found that out.And, I'm interested in cute stuffs. LOL.-Can we bring yesterday back around?- About you now - Sugababes.Labels: Daily Rants
Don't Waste Your Time.
Monday, November 05, 2007 @ 6:23 PM
Haha...new phone is ok...yeap. Walkman man! Haha.Today learned NEWTON FORCES! Omg. Haha. All the vectors, resolving x, resolving y thing...*faints*Thermodynamics is quite ok...but didn't really concentrate cause forgot to bring sweater...den so cold...freezing.After that, went to the library with zy and wl to copy AM tutorial questions...den went to biz park to have lunch...After lunch, climbed up the stairs, saw jh.After that walking towards the exit of biz block, saw Nicholas. Den saw Gracia. Den saw nz. Haha. One biz park can meet so mani ppl I know. LOL.Den...went to AM tutorial. The tutor actually helped us print the tutorials. Den I wasted my time to copy the questions for the class. Haha.After AM tut...went home with wl. Hungry. Mum called mac for me. Love her so so much. Lol.Now stoning/slacking before getting ready to go outta and study!Changed blog song to Don't Waste Your Time by Kelly Clarkson. The song is quite nice wor. Try listening =)Haha...might update later...now I go ler...wanna slack awhile more...-Don't waste your time trying to fix...what I want to erase, what I need to forget.- Don't Waste Your Time - Kelly Clarkson.It's never going to get fixed. There's always a scar.Labels: Daily Rants
Sunday, November 04, 2007 @ 2:31 AM
Taken this whole chunk of questions from jh's blog and going to do it since I'm dead bored. Haha.1. Does anyone know your password?Yeap. Karilynn.2. Last thing you ordered at McDonald'sBig Mac Meal.3. Are you an emotional person?Last time not. Recently YES.4. Do you like your middle name?I don't have a middle name!!5. Do you believe in love at first sight?Yeap, I even believe in love at second sight LOL. Joking.6. Does the person you like know you like them?Yes.7. What was the last thing you did?Watched Full Metal Alchemist at Channel U.8.What time is it?2.37am9. Who was the last person you ate with?My family10. What song are you listening to right now?Won't Go Home Tonight - Maroon 511. Whats the weather like?Ok. Please rain more.12. Last person who called you?WL.13. Last person you gave a hug?No memories of hugs.14. Last song you sang?Ru Guo Ni Ye Ting Shuo. - Zhang Hui Mei15. Do you love anyone?Yes. Loved too much and now it hurts.16. Lost a friendship over something?Yup.17. Last thing you drank?Coke Light.18. Last thing you ate?Eclipse Spearmint Sweet.19. Where do you wish you were?If there is heaven, I wish I'm there.20. Faked being sick to miss school?Nope.21. What time did you wake up today?2.30pm (How Nice.)22 . Last person you talked to in person?Mummy23. Last person to make you laugh?Phad and sj.24. What are you wearing right now?Navy Blue Polo + Black 3/4 Pants.25. Whats the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?The eyes, and the smile. (If there is any.)26. Who did you last message?Phad.27. Who did you last call?Sj.28. What day and date is it?4th November 2007, Sunday.29. Did you go anywhere today?Tampines Mall.30. What did you do there?To watch The Game Plan.31. How many more years until you're a legal adult?1 Year.32. Are you watching TV?Nope.33. Are you mature or immature?Mature and immature at times.34. Are you closer to your mom or dad?Mummy!36. What school do you go to?Temasek Poly.37. What's the most annoying thing people say to you?"Give me your opinion." While they don't even consider it.38. Do you like music?Yes.39. Do you want to get married?Yup.40. How do you feel?Sick of everything that's happening. Breakdown.41. What are you supposed to be doing?Sleeping.42. Would you bungee jump?Maybe.43. Do you like roller coasters?Not really.44. Is there anything you wish for every summer?Yes.Rain.45. Do you use chopsticks?Ya.46. What's your favorite meal of the day?Depends on the food.47 . Thinking of someone right now?Yes. And it hurts.48. Concerned about life right now?No. How I WISHED to end it.49. Ever tripped going up the stairs?Yes.50. What are you looking forward to?Paradise.Labels: Daily Rants
@ 2:19 AM

Credits to pyromanaic in DeviantArt! It's the best pic to descrive my feelings.
Labels: Daily Rants
Make it right.
@ 12:48 AM
Sick Sick Sick AGAIN. I'm so SICK of this okay? Why does my body is so so weak?! Argh.Missed jap tutorial and lecture..missed TD lab and I MISSED ALOT OF FUCKING LECTURES OK?! I'M TOTALLY SICK OF THIS.Why does my life seems to crash down the moment when I wanted it to stop CRASHING?!Serious breakdown. Everything seems dull and bleak to me. Nothing seems exciting anymore.Life sure is sucky at some times isn't it? But for me..it's unbearable.I know it's wrong to wish that I want my past back, as there might be a better future. But. Things are already like that. Will it be better? I wonder.I somehow think that I've done too much thinking...Today is a better day though..had my fun watching game plan...but I still felt somehow empty. I miss her smses, but I don't wanna sms her..as she might be studying...hais...Oh well...monday is reaching soon...and I really have to get rid of such depressing feeling within me. Really.-Every night you cry yourself to sleep, Thinking : "Why does this happen to me? Why does every moment have to be so hard?" - Maroon 5 - Won't Go Home Tonight.How I wished I can have a normal, yet happy life.Labels: Daily Rants